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$2F56: Draw the score box
Used by the routines at $2CD9 and $2E13.
$2F56 LDA #$58 Prepare to address the score box graphic at $5820.
$2F58 STA $4F
$2F5A LDA #$20
$2F5C STA $4E
$2F5E LDA #$FB Store the screen bitmap address $FB20 at $50.
$2F60 STA $51
$2F62 LDA #$20
$2F64 STA $50
$2F66 LDY #$00 Draw the top row of 8 cells in score box graphic.
$2F68 LDA ($4E),Y
$2F6A STA ($50),Y
$2F6D CPY #$40
$2F6F BNE $2F68
$2F71 LDA #$FC Draw the middle row of 8 cells in score box graphic.
$2F73 STA $51
$2F75 LDA ($4E),Y
$2F77 STA ($50),Y
$2F79 INY
$2F7A CPY #$80
$2F7C BNE $2F75
$2F7E LDA #$FD Draw the bottom row of 8 cells in score box graphic.
$2F80 STA $51
$2F82 LDA ($4E),Y
$2F84 STA ($50),Y
$2F86 INY
$2F87 CPY #$C0
$2F89 BNE $2F82
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