Prev: $3558 Up: Map Next: $35EF
$359E: 'P' pressed - right
This corresponds to $66AA in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by the routines at $0800, $34B5 and $350B.
$359E LDA $26 Pick up ERIC's animatory state from $26.
$35A0 AND #$04 Is bit 2 set, indicating that ERIC is sitting or lying down?
$35A2 BNE $35EE Return if so.
$35A4 LDA $26 Pick up ERIC's animatory state from $26.
$35A6 ASL A Is ERIC facing right?
$35A7 BCS $35AC Branch if so.
$35A9 JMP $364E Otherwise turn ERIC round.
$35AC JSR $1C8E Is ERIC on a staircase?
$35AF BCC $35BD Branch if not.
$35B1 LDA $FC Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC.
$35B3 CMP #$30 Is ERIC on a staircase on the right side of the skool?
$35B5 BCS $35BA Branch if so.
$35B7 JMP $34B5 Move ERIC down a step.
$35BA JMP $350B Move ERIC up a step.
$35BD LDA $12 Pick up ERIC's location indicator from $12.
$35BF CMP #$02 Is ERIC on the top floor?
$35C1 BNE $35D0 Branch if not.
$35C3 LDA $FC Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC.
$35C5 CMP #$38 Is ERIC next to the Reading Room wall?
$35C7 BEQ $35EE Return if so (ERIC can't walk through walls).
$35C9 CMP #$5D Is ERIC at the far right of the skool?
$35CB BEQ $35EE Return if so (ERIC can't go any further right).
$35CD JMP $35EB Otherwise move ERIC midstride.
$35D0 CMP #$01 Is ERIC on the middle floor?
$35D2 BNE $35E1 Branch if not.
$35D4 LDA $FC Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC.
$35D6 CMP #$25 Is ERIC next to the White Room wall?
$35D8 BEQ $35EE Return if so (ERIC can't walk through walls).
$35DA CMP #$4E Is ERIC next to wall outside the Exam Room door?
$35DC BEQ $35EE Return if so (ERIC can't walk through walls).
$35DE JMP $35EB Otherwise move ERIC midstride.
$35E1 CMP #$00 Is ERIC on the bottom floor?
$35E3 BNE $35EB Branch if not.
$35E5 LDA $FC Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC.
$35E7 CMP #$5D Is ERIC at the far right of the skool?
$35E9 BEQ $35EE Return if so (ERIC can't go any further right).
$35EB JMP $3594 Move ERIC midstride.
Prev: $3558 Up: Map Next: $35EF