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Routines |
Prev: $36E3 | Up: Map | Next: $379F |
Used by the routine at $2043.
$3724 | LDA $9C | Add 52 to the y-coordinate. | ||||||||
$3726 | CLC | |||||||||
$3727 | ADC #$34 | |||||||||
$3729 | STA $D003 | Set the y-coordinates of sprites #1-#5. | ||||||||
$372C | STA $D005 | |||||||||
$372F | STA $D007 | |||||||||
$3732 | STA $D009 | |||||||||
$3735 | STA $D00B | |||||||||
$3738 | LDA $D010 | Pick up bit 8 of the sprites' x-coordinates. | ||||||||
$373B | BNE $3742 | Branch unless they're all zero. | ||||||||
$373D | LDA #$00 | Reset bit 8 of every sprite's x-coordinate. | ||||||||
$373F | STA $D010 | |||||||||
$3742 | LDA $9B | Set the x-coordinates of sprites #1 and #4 (bits 0-7). | ||||||||
$3744 | STA $D002 | |||||||||
$3747 | STA $D008 | |||||||||
$374A | CLC | Add 16 to the base x-coordinate. | ||||||||
$374B | ADC #$10 | |||||||||
$374D | STA $D00A | Set the x-coordinate of sprite #5 (bits 0-7). | ||||||||
$3750 | BCC $375A | Branch unless the x-coordinate is greater than 255. | ||||||||
$3752 | LDA #$2C | Set bit 8 of the x-coordinates of sprites #2, #3 and #5. | ||||||||
$3754 | ORA $D010 | |||||||||
$3757 | STA $D010 | |||||||||
$375A | LDA $D00A | Pick up bits 0-7 of the x-coordinate of sprite #5 and add 8. | ||||||||
$375D | CLC | |||||||||
$375E | ADC #$08 | |||||||||
$3760 | STA $D004 | Set the x-coordinate of sprite #2 (bits 0-7). | ||||||||
$3763 | BCC $376D | Branch unless this x-coordinate is greater than 255. | ||||||||
$3765 | LDA #$0C | Set bit 8 of the x-coordinates of sprites #2 and #3. | ||||||||
$3767 | ORA $D010 | |||||||||
$376A | STA $D010 | |||||||||
$376D | LDA $D004 | Pick up the x-coordinate of sprite #2 (bits 0-7) and add 24. | ||||||||
$3770 | CLC | |||||||||
$3771 | ADC #$18 | |||||||||
$3773 | STA $D006 | Set the x-coordinate of sprite #3 (bits 0-7). | ||||||||
$3776 | BCC $3780 | Branch unless this x-coordinate is greater than 255. | ||||||||
$3778 | LDA #$08 | Set bit 8 of the x-coordinate of sprite #3. | ||||||||
$377A | ORA $D010 | |||||||||
$377D | STA $D010 | |||||||||
$3780 | LDA #$30 | Stretch sprites #4 and #5 to double width. | ||||||||
$3782 | STA $D01D | |||||||||
$3785 | LDA #$2B | Set the pointer for sprite #1 to $2B. This points at $CAC0. | ||||||||
$3787 | STA $CFF9 | |||||||||
$378A | LDA #$2C | Set the pointer for sprite #2 to $2C. This points at $CB00. | ||||||||
$378C | STA $CFFA | |||||||||
$378F | LDA #$2D | Set the pointer for sprite #3 to $2D. This points at $CB40. | ||||||||
$3791 | STA $CFFB | |||||||||
$3794 | LDA #$2E | Set the pointer for sprite #4 to $2E. This points at $CB80. | ||||||||
$3796 | STA $CFFC | |||||||||
$3799 | LDA #$2F | Set the pointer for sprite #5 to $2F. This points at $CBC0. | ||||||||
$379B | STA $CFFD | |||||||||
$379E | RTS |
Prev: $36E3 | Up: Map | Next: $379F |