Prev: $3868 Up: Map Next: $38EF
$38AC: Back up sprite information
Used by the routines at $1DB7 and $298B.
$38AC LDY #$10 Copy sprite coordinates from $D000-$D010 to $B900-$B910.
$38AE LDA #$00
$38B0 STA $4E
$38B2 LDA #$D0
$38B4 STA $4F
$38B6 LDA #$00
$38B8 STA $50
$38BA LDA #$B9
$38BC STA $51
$38BE LDA ($4E),Y
$38C0 STA ($50),Y
$38C2 DEY
$38C3 BPL $38BE
$38C5 LDY #$15 Copy the sprite enable register from $D015 to $B915.
$38C7 LDA ($4E),Y
$38C9 STA ($50),Y
$38CB LDY #$1D Copy the sprite double width register from $D01D to $B91D.
$38CD LDA ($4E),Y
$38CF STA ($50),Y
$38D1 LDY #$27 Copy the sprite colours from $D027-$D02E to $B927-$B92E.
$38D3 LDA ($4E),Y
$38D5 STA ($50),Y
$38D7 INY
$38D8 CPY #$2F
$38DA BNE $38D3
$38DC LDA #$00 Disable all sprites.
$38DE STA $D015
$38E1 LDX #$00 Copy the sprite pointers from $CFF8-$CFFF to $B930-$B937.
$38E3 LDA $CFF8,X
$38E6 STA $B930,X
$38E9 INX
$38EA CPX #$08
$38EC BNE $38E3
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