Prev: $3AB3 Up: Map Next: $3AD5
$3AB4: Move the next character
Called from the main loop at $0800.
$3AB4 INC $60 Increment the current character number at $60.
$3AB6 LDA $60 Pick up the current character number from $60.
$3AB8 CMP #$14 Is it $14 (ERIC)?
$3ABA BCC $3AC3 Branch if not.
$3ABC LDA #$00 Reset the character number at $60 to $00 (little boy no. 1).
$3ABE STA $60
$3AC0 JMP $3ACB Jump forward.
$3AC3 CMP #$04 Is the current character number $04 (little boy no. 5)?
$3AC5 BNE $3ACB Branch if not.
$3AC7 INC $60 Increment the current character number at $60 to $05 (little boy no. 6).
$3AC9 LDA $60 Pick up the current character number from $60.
$3ACB JSR $3279 Copy the current character's buffer into page 0.
$3ACE JSR $3B5E Move the character.
$3AD1 JSR $33BF Restore the character's buffer from page 0.
Prev: $3AB3 Up: Map Next: $3AD5