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6C55: Deal with a character who's been dethroned (1)
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x6F and 0x70 of a character's buffer by the routine at 6B97 when he's been knocked out of a chair.
H Dethroned character's number (0x98-0xA9)
6C55 LD L,$71 Set the delay counter determining how long the character will sit on the floor before rising
6C57 LD (HL),$04
6C59 LD L,$6F Replace the address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine in bytes 0x6F and 0x70 of the character's buffer with that of 6C64
6C5B LD (HL),$64
6C5D CALL $6214 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state
6C60 INC A A=animatory state of the character sitting on the floor
6C61 JP $61B0 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
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