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7986: Make a character speak (1)
The address of this interruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x69 and 0x6A of a character's buffer by the routines at 7A32, 7CFC and F400. The subcommand terminates if the character is off-screen; otherwise it waits for anybody else to stop speaking before printing the speech bubble above the character's head and handing over control to the routine at 799A.
H Character number (0x98-0xA9)
7986 LD L,$6E Zero out bytes 0x6D and 0x6E of the character's buffer, which normally hold the address of the next character in the submessage being spoken (when a character starts speaking, there is no submessage)
7988 XOR A
7989 LD (HL),A
798A DEC L
798B LD (HL),A
This entry point is used while the character is waiting for someone else to stop speaking.
798C CALL $734E Make the character start speaking if possible
798F JP C,$62A4 Terminate this interruptible subcommand if the character is off-screen
7992 LD L,$69 Set the interruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x69 and 0x6A of the character's buffer to the entry point at 798C
7994 LD (HL),$8C
7996 RET NZ Return if somebody else is speaking at the moment
Now it's this character's turn to speak.
7997 LD (HL),$9A Set the interruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x69 and 0x6A of the character's buffer to 799A
7999 RET
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