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Routines |
Prev: 7CC8 | Up: Map | Next: 7CE0 |
7CD0 | LD A,($A960) | A=EINSTEIN's animatory state | ||||||
7CD3 | CP $15 | 0x15=EINSTEIN sitting in a chair | ||||||
7CD5 | JP Z,$79D4 | Jump if EINSTEIN is sitting in a chair | ||||||
7CD8 | POP DE | Place the address of the instruction that called this routine into bytes 0x63 and 0x64 of the teacher's buffer, so that control of the teacher remains in this routine until EINSTEIN is seated | ||||||
7CD9 | LD L,$63 | |||||||
7CDB | LD A,E | |||||||
7CDC | SUB $03 | |||||||
7CDE | LD (HL),A | |||||||
7CDF | RET |
Prev: 7CC8 | Up: Map | Next: 7CE0 |