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FA2A: Check whether ANGELFACE is touching ERIC
The address of this continual subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x7C and 0x7D of ANGELFACE's buffer by command list 0xDC. It checks whether ERIC and ANGELFACE are in the same location; if they are, and ERIC has already been informed of ANGELFACE's medical condition, bit 5 at 7FCB is set, indicating that ERIC has mumps (whereupon MR ROCKITT will come looking for ERIC to send him home).
FA2A LD A,($7FCB) 7FCB holds the special playtime signal flags
FA2D BIT 4,A Has ERIC been told (and understood) that ANGELFACE has mumps?
FA2F RET Z Return if not
FA30 CALL $7DEA Make ANGELFACE walk fast
FA33 LD A,($AC62) A=ERIC's x-coordinate
FA36 LD L,$62 Byte 0x62 of ANGELFACE's buffer holds his x-coordinate
FA38 CP (HL) Compare ERIC's and ANGELFACE's x-coordinates
FA39 RET NZ Return if they do not match
FA3A LD A,($AC61) A=ERIC's y-coordinate
FA3D DEC L L=0x61 (which byte holds ANGELFACE's y-coordinate)
FA3E CP (HL) Compare ERIC's and ANGELFACE's y-coordinates
FA3F RET NZ Return if they do not match
ERIC and ANGELFACE are in the same location, thus facilitating transmission of the latter's pestilence to the former.
FA40 LD A,($7FCB) Set bit 5 at 7FCB, indicating that ERIC has mumps
FA43 SET 5,A
FA45 LD ($7FCB),A
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