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24576: Scroll the screen right one column
Used by the routine at 25810.
24576 EXX
24577 LD HL,22558 Point HL' and DE' at the rightmost end of the top row of attribute bytes on the screen
24580 LD DE,22559
24583 LD BC,31 We need to scroll 31 attribute bytes at a time
24586 EXX
24587 LD HL,16414 Point HL and DE at the rightmost end of the top row of pixels on the screen
24590 LD DE,16415
24593 LD BC,31 We need to scroll 31 display file bytes at a time
24596 LD A,21 There are 21 rows of character squares to scroll
24598 EX AF,AF'
24599 LD A,8 Each row of character squares contains 8 rows of pixels
24601 PUSH HL
24602 PUSH DE
24603 LDDR Scroll a row of pixels right one column
24605 POP DE
24606 POP HL
24607 LD C,31 BC=31
24609 INC H Point HL and DE at the next row of pixels
24610 INC D
24611 DEC A Next row in this block of 8x32
24612 JR NZ,24601 Jump back until this 8x32 pixel block has been scrolled
24614 EXX
24615 LDDR Scroll a row of attribute bytes right one column
24617 LD C,63 Point HL' and DE' at the rightmost end of the next row of attribute bytes on the screen
24619 ADD HL,BC
24620 EX DE,HL
24621 ADD HL,BC
24622 EX DE,HL
24623 LD C,31 BC'=31
24625 EXX
24626 LD A,32 Point HL and DE at the rightmost end of the top row of the next 8x32 block of pixels
24628 ADD A,E
24629 LD E,A
24630 LD A,32
24632 ADD A,L
24633 LD L,A
24634 EX AF,AF'
24635 DEC A Next row of character squares
24636 JR Z,24654 Exit this loop if all 21 rows have been scrolled right
24638 CP 13 Have we reached the middle third of the screen?
24640 JR Z,24598 Jump if so
24642 CP 5 Have we reached the bottom third of the screen?
24644 JR Z,24598 Jump if so
24646 EX AF,AF'
24647 LD A,H Point HL and DE at the rightmost end of the top row of the next 8x32 block of pixels
24648 SUB 8
24650 LD H,A
24651 LD D,A
24652 JR 24599 Jump back to deal with the next row of character squares
The 21 rows of character squares have been scrolled one place to the right. Now the leftmost column needs to be filled.
24654 EXX
24655 LD HL,22528 Point HL' and DE' at the attribute file and display file addresses for the top left of the screen, and set BC'=32; however, these values are not used
24658 LD DE,16384
24661 INC C
24662 EXX
24663 LD A,(32512) A=leftmost column of the skool on-screen (0-64)
24666 DEC A We are scrolling one column right
24667 LD (32512),A
This entry point is used by the routine at 24731 with A holding the x-coordinate of the rightmost column of the skool on-screen (31-95).
24670 LD E,A E=X (x-coordinate of the far left or far right column of the skool currently on-screen)
24671 LD D,152 D=Y (this is the y-coordinate of the top row of the screen)
24673 LD B,21 There are 21 rows on the screen
24675 PUSH DE
24676 PUSH BC
24677 CALL 24843 Print the character square at (X,Y)
24680 POP BC
24681 POP DE
24682 LD A,H Point HL at the attribute file address corresponding to the skool coordinates (X,Y)
24683 RRCA
24684 RRCA
24685 RRCA
24686 ADD A,79
24688 LD H,A
24689 SET 7,E Point DE at the attribute byte for the skool coordinates (X,Y)
24691 LD A,(DE) Pick the attribute byte up in A
24692 RES 7,E Restore the skool coordinates (X,Y) to DE
24694 LD (HL),A Poke the attribute byte onto the screen
24695 INC D Next row (Y) of the screen
24696 DJNZ 24675 Jump back until all 21 rows are done
24698 RET
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