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27453: Make a character walk up and down a few times or until a certain time
Used by command lists 182, 192, 194, 196 and 204 to make a character walk about a fixed location until a specified time, or until a certain number of walkabouts have been performed.
H Character number (152-169)
L 122
27453 LD A,(HL) Reset bits 5 and 6 of byte 122 of the character's buffer, indicating that he should no longer walk fast or slow continuously (if he was doing so)
27454 AND 159
27456 LD (HL),A
27457 LD L,99 Replace the address of this routine in bytes 99 and 100 of the character's buffer with that of 27442
27459 LD (HL),50
27461 LD L,103 Collect the next byte (the number of walkabouts) from the command list and place it in byte 103 of the character's buffer
27463 CALL 24972
27466 LD (HL),A
27467 LD L,101 Collect the next byte (the signal byte - always 0) from the command list and place it in byte 101 of the character's buffer
27469 CALL 24972
27472 LD (HL),A
27473 JP 25317 Send the character on his first mini-walkabout
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