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31996: Make a teacher tell the kids to go to a certain page in their books
Used by the routines at 32048 and 62208. Makes the teacher tell the kids to turn to or answer the questions on a randomly chosen page of their books.
H Teacher's character number (163-166)
31996 LD DE,62063 BC=62050 (TURN TO PAGE 123 OF YOUR BOOKS...); DE=62063 (the '123' in this message)
31999 LD C,98
32001 LD B,D
32002 CALL 24993 A=random number
32005 RLCA This jump (which decides between the message at 62050 and the message at 62109) is performed half the time
32006 JR C,32012
32008 LD E,186 BC=62109 (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON PAGE 123 OF YOUR LOVELY TEXTBOOK); DE=62138 (the '123' in this message)
32010 LD C,157
32012 SCF A=128-255 (random page number to insert into the message)
32013 RRA
32014 NOP
32015 EX DE,HL Point HL at the slot for the 100s digit of the page number in the message
32016 LD (HL),47 Compute and insert the ASCII code for the 100s digit of the page number
32018 INC (HL)
32019 SUB 100
32021 JR NC,32018
32023 INC L Point HL at the slot for the 10s digit of the page number
32024 ADD A,100 Compensate for the trial subtraction of 100 above
32026 LD (HL),47 Compute and insert the ASCII code for the 10s digit of the page number
32028 INC (HL)
32029 SUB 10
32031 JR NC,32028
32033 INC L Point HL at the slot for the units digit of the page number
32034 ADD A,58 Compensate for the trial subtraction of ten above, and add an extra 48 (the ASCII code for '0')
32036 LD (HL),A Insert the ASCII code for the units digit of the page number
32037 EX DE,HL Restore the teacher's character number to H
This entry point is used by the routines at 32048, 32132, 62208, 63456, 63488 and 63990.
32038 LD L,108 Place the address of the message into bytes 107 and 108 of the character's buffer
32040 LD (HL),B
32041 DEC L
32042 LD (HL),C
32043 LD BC,31110 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at 31110 (make character speak) into bytes 105 and 106 of the character's buffer and jump to it
32046 JR 31985
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