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F3E6: Make ERIC sit in a chair or on the floor
Used by the routine at F3FC.
F3E6 LD A,$04 0x04: ERIC sitting in a chair
This entry point is used by the routine at F3FC (with A=0x05/0x85) to make ERIC sit on the floor.
F3E8 PUSH AF Save ERIC's new animatory state briefly
F3E9 CALL $7154 Make a sitting-down sound effect
F3EC POP AF Restore ERIC's new animatory state to A
F3ED LD HL,$7FF3 Initialise ERIC's main action timer at 7FF3 to 5
F3F0 LD (HL),$05
F3F2 LD H,$D2 0xD2=ERIC
This entry point is used by the routines at E125 and F4CC.
F3F4 PUSH AF Save the character's new animatory state briefly
F3F5 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state
F3F8 POP AF Restore the character's new animatory state to A
F3F9 JP $6130 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
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