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24263: 'H' pressed - hit
The address of this routine is found in the table of keypress handling routines at 58704. It is called from the main loop at 63210 when 'H' is pressed.
24263 CALL 28240 Is ERIC on a staircase?
24266 RET C Return if so
24267 LD A,8 8: ERIC raising his fist
24269 CALL 24247 Adjust ERIC's animatory state, update the SRB, and return to 24272 (below) when it's time to deal with ERIC again
24272 LD HL,53760 Point HL at byte 0 of ERIC's buffer
24275 LD A,(HL) A=ERIC's animatory state
24276 RRCA Is ERIC raising his fist (A=8/136)?
24277 JP NC,30752 If so, raise ERIC's fist fully now and check for victims
24280 LD A,97 Message 97: DON'T HIT YOUR MATES
24282 CALL 63640 Make any nearby teachers give ERIC lines
24285 LD A,8 8: ERIC lowering his fist
This is where the routine at 24296 ought to enter:
24287 CALL 24247 Adjust ERIC's animatory state, update the SRB, and return to 24290 (below) when it's time to deal with ERIC again
This entry point is used by the routine at 24348.
24290 XOR A A=0 (prepare to clear all status flags)
24291 JP 23925 Clear all of ERIC's status flags now that he's finished firing, hitting or kissing, update his animatory state and update the SRB
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