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927F: Draw Willy to the screen buffer at 6000
Used by the routine at 923A.
927F LD A,($8068) Pick up Willy's y-coordinate from 8068
9282 LD IXh,$83 Point IX at the entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 8300 that corresponds to Willy's y-coordinate
9285 LD IXl,A
9287 LD A,($806A) Pick up Willy's direction and movement flags from 806A
928A AND $01 Now E=0x00 if Willy is facing right, or 0x80 if he's facing left
928D LD E,A
928E LD A,($8069) Pick up Willy's animation frame (0-3) from 8069
9291 AND $03 Point DE at the sprite graphic data for Willy's current animation frame (see 8200)
9293 RRCA
9294 RRCA
9295 RRCA
9296 OR E
9297 LD E,A
9298 LD D,$82
929A LD B,$10 There are 16 rows of pixels to copy
929C LD A,($806C) Pick up Willy's screen x-coordinate (0-31) from 806C
929F AND $1F
92A1 LD C,A Copy it to C
92A2 LD A,(IX+$00) Set HL to the address in the screen buffer at 6000 that corresponds to where we are going to draw the next pixel row of the sprite graphic
92A5 LD H,(IX+$01)
92A8 OR C
92A9 LD L,A
92AA LD A,(DE) Pick up a sprite graphic byte
92AB OR (HL) Merge it with the background
92AC LD (HL),A Save the resultant byte to the screen buffer
92AD INC HL Move HL along to the next cell to the right
92AE INC DE Point DE at the next sprite graphic byte
92AF LD A,(DE) Pick it up in A
92B0 OR (HL) Merge it with the background
92B1 LD (HL),A Save the resultant byte to the screen buffer
92B2 INC IX Point IX at the next entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 8300
92B6 INC DE Point DE at the next sprite graphic byte
92B7 DJNZ $92A2 Jump back until all 16 rows of pixels have been drawn
92B9 RET
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