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698E: Toggle the sound on/off if 'T' is pressed
Called from the main loop at 6229.
698E LD A,$FB Read keys Q-W-E-R-T.
6990 IN A,($FE)
6992 AND $10 Keep only bit 4 (corresponding to 'T').
6994 LD HL,$7C6A Pick up the last recorded 'T' pressed indicator.
6997 CP (HL) Does the current value match?
6998 RET Z Return if so.
6999 LD (HL),A Save the current 'T' pressed indicator.
699A AND A Is 'T' being pressed?
699B RET NZ Return if not.
699C LD HL,$7C69 Toggle the sound on/off indicator by flipping bits 3 and 4.
699F LD A,(HL)
69A0 XOR $18
69A2 LD (HL),A
69A3 RET
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