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69A4: Ring the bell if necessary
Called from the main loop at 6229.
69A4 LD HL,($7CC4) Pick up the bell's location in the current maze.
69A7 LD A,H Has Horace already sounded the alarm?
69A8 OR L
69A9 JR NZ,$69D0 Jump if not.
Horace has already sounded the alarm. Produce an appropriate delay in place of the bell sound.
69AB LD A,($7C62) Pick up the game speed parameter in A.
69AE LD E,A HL=350+30*A.
69AF LD HL,$015E
69B2 LD BC,$001E
69B6 DEC E
69B7 JR NZ,$69B2
69B9 XOR A Clear A for no apparent reason.
69BA LD A,($6B0A) Pick up the active guard counter (0-3) in A.
69BD RLA Subtract 128*A from HL.
69C0 RLA
69C1 RLA
69C2 RLA
69C3 LD B,$00
69C5 LD C,A
69CA PUSH HL Copy HL to BC.
69CC CALL $6B0C Wait for 26*BC+5 T states.
Horace has not sounded the alarm yet. Produce an appropriate bell sound if necessary.
69D0 LD A,($7CC6) Pick up the bell animation frame counter.
69D3 AND $3F Keep only bits 0-5.
69D5 CP $00 Is the frame counter a multiple of 64 at the moment? (This instruction is redundant.)
69D7 JR NZ,$69F6 Jump if not.
69D9 LD HL,$7C69 Pick up the sound on/off indicator in A.
69DC LD A,(HL)
69DD CP $1F Is the sound on?
69DF JR NZ,$69AB Jump if not.
69E1 LD DE,$0016 Call the ROM to make a short sound effect.
69E4 LD HL,$0193
69E7 CALL $03B5
69EA DI Disable interrupts after the ROM call.
69EB LD DE,$001A Call the ROM again to make another short sound effect.
69EE LD HL,$0168
69F1 CALL $03B5
69F4 DI Disable interrupts after the ROM call.
69F5 RET
69F6 CP $20 Is the bell animation frame counter a multiple of 32 at the moment?
69F8 JR NZ,$69AB Jump if not.
69FA LD HL,$7C69 Pick up the sound on/off indicator in A.
69FD LD A,(HL)
69FE CP $1F Is the sound on?
6A00 JR NZ,$69AB Jump if not.
6A02 LD DE,$001A Call the ROM to make a short sound effect.
6A05 LD HL,$0168
6A08 CALL $03B5
6A0B DI Disable interrupts after the ROM call.
6A0C LD DE,$0016 Call the ROM again to make another short sound effect.
6A0F LD HL,$0193
6A12 CALL $03B5
6A15 DI Disable interrupts after the ROM call.
6A16 RET
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