Prev: 6000 Up: Map Next: 624F
6229: Main loop
The routine at 6000 continues here.
6229 CALL $624F Read the keyboard and change Horace's sprite accordingly.
622C CALL $6337 Move Horace and the guards.
622F CALL $651E Redraw the tiles behind Horace and the guards if they've moved.
6232 CALL $65A1 Add to the score if Horace has eaten something.
6235 CALL $6622 Draw the guards.
6238 CALL $66A4 Check whether Horace has run into a guard.
623B CALL $6821 Draw Horace.
623E CALL $686A Draw the bell and check whether Horace has sounded the alarm.
6241 CALL $6907 Check whether a guard should drop his lunch.
6244 CALL $696C Decrement the guard countdown timers.
6247 CALL $698E Toggle the sound on/off if 'T' is pressed.
624A CALL $69A4 Ring the bell if necessary.
624D JR $6229 Jump back to the start of the main loop.
Prev: 6000 Up: Map Next: 624F