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26146: Draw the guards
Called from the main loop at 25129.
26146 LD HL,28070 Point HL at the first of the guard countdown timers.
26149 LD B,4 There are four guards.
26151 PUSH BC Save the guard counter.
26152 LD A,(HL) Set the zero flag if this guard is in play.
26153 INC HL
26154 OR (HL)
26155 INC HL Point HL at the next guard's countdown timer.
26156 PUSH HL Save the guard countdown timer pointer.
26157 JR NZ,26168 Jump if this guard is not in play yet.
26159 CALL 27199 Copy the guard's buffer into the temporary location (28088).
26162 CALL 26173 Draw the guard.
26165 CALL 27242 Copy the guard's buffer back to the original location.
26168 POP HL Restore the guard countdown timer pointer to HL.
26169 POP BC Restore the guard counter to B.
26170 DJNZ 26151 Jump back to deal with the next guard.
26172 RET
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