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86C3: Display the code entry screen
Used by the routine at 869F. Displays the code entry screen and waits for a code to be entered. Returns with the zero flag set if the code entered is correct.
IX Address of the message to print (858B or 85AB)
86C3 LD DE,$4800 Print the message pointed to by IX at (8,0)
86C6 LD C,$20
86C8 CALL $9680
86CB LD HL,$4842 Print the graphic for the '1' key at (10,2)
86CE LD DE,$9B00
86D1 LD C,$00
86D3 CALL $9456
86D6 LD HL,$4845 Print the graphic for the '2' key at (10,5)
86D9 CALL $9456
86DC LD HL,$4848 Print the graphic for the '3' key at (10,8)
86DF CALL $9456
86E2 LD HL,$484B Print the graphic for the '4' key at (10,11)
86E5 CALL $9456
86E8 LD HL,$9B80 Copy the 128 attribute bytes from 9B80 to the screen (lines 8, 9, 10 and 11)
86EB LD DE,$5900
86EE LD BC,$0080
86F3 LD A,($5C78) Collect the LSB of the system variable FRAMES
86F6 ADD A,$25 Add 0x25 to this value and replace it; this ensures that the value collected on the second pass through this routine is different from the value collected on the first pass
86F8 LD ($5C78),A
86FB CP $B3 Is the value between 0x00 and 0xB2?
86FD JR C,$8701 Jump if so
86FF SUB $B4 Otherwise subtract 0xB4; note that if the original value of the LSB of the system variable FRAMES was 0x8E, this leaves A holding 0xFF, which is a bug
8701 LD L,A Now L holds either 0xFF or some number between 0x00 and 0xB2
8702 LD H,$9E Point HL at one of the entries in the table at 9E00 (or at 9EFF if L=0xFF)
8704 LD A,(HL) Pick up the table entry
8705 ADD A,L Add L to obtain the actual code
8706 LD ($85E4),A Store the code at 85E4
8709 LD C,L Copy the code index to C; this will be used to compute the grid location
870A LD E,$2F Calculate the ASCII code of the grid location number (0-9) in E
870C INC E
870D LD A,C
870E CP $12
8710 JR C,$8717
8712 SUB $12
8714 LD C,A
8715 JR $870C
8717 LD A,E Print the grid location number at (8,30)
8718 LD DE,$481E
871B CALL $9691
871E LD A,C Calculate the ASCII code of the grid location letter (A-R) in A
871F ADD A,$41
8721 LD DE,$481D Print the grid location letter at (8,29)
8724 CALL $9691
Here we enter a loop that prints a 2x2 coloured block at (10,16), (10,19), (10,22) or (10,25) whenever '1', '2', '3' or '4' is pressed, or returns to the calling routine at 869F if ENTER is pressed.
8727 LD IX,$5950 Point IX at the attribute file location of the first coloured block at (10,16)
872B CALL $873C Print a coloured block when '1', '2', '3' or '4' is pressed, or return to 869F if ENTER is pressed
872E INC IX Move IX along to the location of the next coloured block
8730 INC IX
8732 INC IX
8734 LD A,IXl Have we just printed the fourth coloured block at (10,25)?
8736 CP $5C
8738 JR NZ,$872B If not, jump back to print the next one
873A JR $8727 Otherwise rewind IX to the location of the first coloured block
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