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8ED4: Move Willy (2)
Used by the routine at 8DD3. This routine checks the keyboard and joystick.
HL Attribute buffer address of the left-hand cell below Willy's sprite (if Willy is not on a rope)
8ED4 LD E,$FF Initialise E to 0xFF (all bits set); it will be used to hold keyboard and joystick readings
8ED6 LD A,($85D6) Pick up the rope status indicator from 85D6
8ED9 DEC A Is Willy on a rope?
8EDC JR Z,$8EFA Jump if so
8EDE LD A,($85D1) Pick up the airborne status indicator from 85D1
8EE1 CP $0C Has Willy just landed after falling from too great a height?
8EE3 JP NC,$90B7 If so, kill him
8EE6 XOR A Reset the airborne status indicator at 85D1 (Willy has landed safely)
8EE7 LD ($85D1),A
8EEA LD A,($80CD) Pick up the attribute byte of the conveyor tile for the current room from 80CD
8EED CP (HL) Does the attribute byte of the left-hand cell below Willy's sprite match that of the conveyor tile?
8EEE JR Z,$8EF4 Jump if so
8EF0 INC HL Point HL at the right-hand cell below Willy's sprite
8EF1 CP (HL) Does the attribute byte of the right-hand cell below Willy's sprite match that of the conveyor tile?
8EF2 JR NZ,$8EFA Jump if not
8EF4 LD A,($80D6) Pick up the direction byte of the conveyor definition from 80D6 (0=left, 1=right)
8EF7 SUB $03 Now E=0xFD (bit 1 reset) if the conveyor is moving left, or 0xFE (bit 0 reset) if it's moving right
8EFA LD BC,$DFFE Read keys P-O-I-U-Y (right, left, right, left, right) into bits 0-4 of A
8EFF AND $1F Set bit 5 and reset bits 6 and 7
8F01 OR $20
8F03 AND E Reset bit 0 if the conveyor is moving right, or bit 1 if it's moving left
8F04 LD E,A Save the result in E
8F05 LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator (0, 1 or 2) from 85DF
8F08 AND $02 Now A=1 if Willy is running to the toilet, 0 otherwise
8F0B XOR E Flip bit 0 of E if Willy is running to the toilet, forcing him to move right (unless he's jumped onto the bed, in which case bit 0 of E is now set, meaning that the conveyor does not move him, and the 'P' key has no effect; this is a bug)
8F0D LD BC,$FBFE Read keys Q-W-E-R-T (left, right, left, right, left) into bits 0-4 of A
8F10 IN A,(C)
8F12 AND $1F Keep only bits 0-4, shift them into bits 1-5, and set bit 0
8F14 RLC A
8F16 OR $01
8F18 AND E Merge this keyboard reading into bits 1-5 of E
8F19 LD E,A
8F1A LD B,$E7 Read keys 1-2-3-4-5 ('5' is left) and 0-9-8-7-6 (jump, nothing, right, right, left) into bits 0-4 of A
8F1C IN A,(C)
8F1E RRCA Rotate the result right and set bits 0-2 and 4-7; this ignores every key except '5' and '6' (left)
8F1F OR $F7
8F21 AND E Merge this reading of the '5' and '6' keys into bit 3 of E
8F22 LD E,A
8F23 LD B,$EF Read keys 0-9-8-7-6 (jump, nothing, right, right, left) into bits 0-4 of A
8F25 IN A,(C)
8F27 OR $FB Set bits 0, 1 and 3-7; this ignores every key except '8' (right)
8F29 AND E Merge this reading of the '8' key into bit 2 of E
8F2B IN A,(C) Read keys 0-9-8-7-6 (jump, nothing, right, right, left) into bits 0-4 of A
8F2D RRCA Rotate the result right and set bits 0, 1 and 3-7; this ignores every key except '7' (right)
8F30 AND E Merge this reading of the '7' key into bit 2 of E
8F31 LD E,A
8F32 LD A,($85CE) Collect the Kempston joystick indicator from 85CE
8F35 OR A Is the joystick connected?
8F36 JR Z,$8F42 Jump if not
8F38 LD BC,$001F Collect input from the joystick
8F3B IN A,(C)
8F3D AND $03 Keep only bits 0 (right) and 1 (left) and flip them
8F40 AND E Merge this reading of the joystick right and left buttons into bits 0 and 1 of E
8F41 LD E,A
At this point, bits 0-5 in E indicate the direction in which Willy is being moved or trying to move. If bit 0, 2 or 4 is reset, Willy is being moved or trying to move right; if bit 1, 3 or 5 is reset, Willy is being moved or trying to move left.
8F42 LD C,$00 Initialise C to 0 (no movement)
8F44 LD A,E Copy the movement bits into A
8F45 AND $2A Keep only bits 1, 3 and 5 (the 'left' bits)
8F47 CP $2A Are any of these bits reset?
8F49 JR Z,$8F51 Jump if not
8F4B LD C,$04 Set bit 2 of C: Willy is moving left
8F4D XOR A Reset the inactivity timer at 85E0
8F4E LD ($85E0),A
8F51 LD A,E Copy the movement bits into A
8F52 AND $15 Keep only bits 0, 2 and 4 (the 'right' bits)
8F54 CP $15 Are any of these bits reset?
8F56 JR Z,$8F5E Jump if not
8F58 SET 3,C Set bit 3 of C: Willy is moving right
8F5A XOR A Reset the inactivity timer at 85E0
8F5B LD ($85E0),A
8F5E LD A,($85D0) Pick up Willy's direction and movement flags from 85D0
8F61 ADD A,C Point HL at the entry in the left-right movement table at 8421 that corresponds to the direction Willy is facing, and the direction in which he is being moved or trying to move
8F62 LD C,A
8F63 LD B,$00
8F65 LD HL,$8421
8F69 LD A,(HL) Update Willy's direction and movement flags at 85D0 with the entry from the left-right movement table
8F6A LD ($85D0),A
That is left-right movement taken care of. Now check the jump keys.
8F6D LD BC,$7EFE Read keys SHIFT-Z-X-C-V and B-N-M-SS-SPACE
8F70 IN A,(C)
8F72 AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8F74 CP $1F
8F76 JR NZ,$8F8F Jump if so
8F78 LD B,$EF Read keys 6-7-8-9-0
8F7A IN A,(C)
8F7C BIT 0,A Is '0' being pressed?
8F7E JR Z,$8F8F Jump if so
8F80 LD A,($85CE) Collect the Kempston joystick indicator from 85CE
8F83 OR A Is the joystick connected?
8F84 JR Z,$8FBC Jump if not
8F86 LD BC,$001F Collect input from the joystick
8F89 IN A,(C)
8F8B BIT 4,A Is the fire button being pressed?
8F8D JR Z,$8FBC Jump if not
A jump key or the fire button is being pressed. Time to make Willy jump.
8F8F LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator from 85DF
8F92 BIT 1,A Is Willy running to the toilet?
8F94 JR NZ,$8FBC Jump if so
8F96 XOR A Initialise the jumping animation counter at 85D5 to 0
8F97 LD ($85D5),A
8F9A LD ($85E0),A Reset the inactivity timer at 85E0
8F9D INC A Set the airborne status indicator at 85D1 to 0x01: Willy is jumping
8F9E LD ($85D1),A
8FA1 LD A,($85D6) Pick up the rope status indicator from 85D6
8FA4 DEC A Is Willy on a rope?
8FA5 BIT 7,A
8FA7 JR NZ,$8FBC Jump if not
8FA9 LD A,$F0 Set the rope status indicator at 85D6 to 0xF0
8FAB LD ($85D6),A
8FAE LD A,($85CF) Round down Willy's y-coordinate at 85CF to the nearest multiple of 16; this might move him upwards a little, but ensures that his actual pixel y-coordinate is a multiple of 8 (making his sprite cell-aligned) before he begins the jump off the rope
8FB1 AND $F0
8FB3 LD ($85CF),A
8FB6 LD HL,$85D0 Set bit 1 at 85D0: during this jump off the rope, Willy will move in the direction he's facing
8FB9 SET 1,(HL)
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