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35591: Main loop (2)
Used by the routine at 35245. The main entry point is used when resuming the game after it has been paused.
35591 LD HL,39424 Copy the attribute bytes from 39424 to the bottom third of the screen
35594 LD DE,23040
35597 LD BC,256
35600 LDIR
35602 LD A,(32990) Pick up the border colour for the current room from 32990
35605 OUT (254),A Restore the border colour
This entry point is used by the routine at 35245.
35607 LD A,(34257) Pick up the airborne status indicator from 34257
35610 CP 255 Has Willy landed after falling from too great a height, or collided with a nasty, an arrow, a guardian, or Maria?
35612 JP Z,35841 If so, lose a life
Now read the keys H, J, K, L and ENTER (which toggle the in-game music).
35615 LD B,191 Prepare B for reading keys H-J-K-L-ENTER
35617 LD HL,34274 Point HL at the music flags at 34274
35620 IN A,(C) Read keys H-J-K-L-ENTER; note that if the game has just resumed after being paused, C holds 0 instead of 254, which is a bug
35622 AND 31 Are any of these keys being pressed?
35624 CP 31
35626 JR Z,35638 Jump if not
35628 BIT 0,(HL) Were any of these keys being pressed the last time we checked?
35630 JR NZ,35640 Jump if so
35632 LD A,(HL) Set bit 0 (the keypress flag) and flip bit 1 (the in-game music flag) at 34274
35633 XOR 3
35635 LD (HL),A
35636 JR 35640
35638 RES 0,(HL) Reset bit 0 (the keypress flag) at 34274
35640 BIT 1,(HL) Has the in-game music been switched off?
35642 JR NZ,35696 Jump if so
The next section of code plays a note of the in-game music.
35644 XOR A Reset the inactivity timer at 34272 (the game does not automatically pause after a period of inactivity if the in-game music is playing)
35645 LD (34272),A
35648 LD A,(34273) Increment the in-game music note index at 34273
35651 INC A
35652 LD (34273),A
35655 AND 126 Point HL at the appropriate entry in the tune data table at 34399
35657 RRCA
35658 LD E,A
35659 LD D,0
35661 LD HL,34399
35664 ADD HL,DE
35665 LD A,(34252) Pick up the number of lives remaining (0-7) from 34252
35668 RLCA A=28-4A; this value adjusts the pitch of the note that is played depending on how many lives are remaining (the more lives remaining, the higher the pitch)
35669 RLCA
35670 SUB 28
35672 NEG
35674 ADD A,(HL) Add the entry from the tune data table for the current note
35675 LD D,A Copy this value to D (which determines the pitch of the note)
35676 LD A,(32990) Pick up the border colour for the current room from 32990
35679 LD E,D Initialise the pitch delay counter in E
35680 LD BC,3 Initialise the duration delay counters in B (0) and C (3)
35683 OUT (254),A Produce a note of the in-game music
35685 DEC E
35686 JR NZ,35691
35688 LD E,D
35689 XOR 24
35691 DJNZ 35683
35693 DEC C
35694 JR NZ,35683
Here we check the teleport keys.
35696 LD BC,61438 Read keys 6-7-8-9-0
35699 IN A,(C)
35701 BIT 1,A Is '9' (the activator key) being pressed?
35703 JP NZ,35735 Jump if not
35706 AND 16 Keep only bit 4 (corresponding to the '6' key), flip it, and move it into bit 5
35708 XOR 16
35710 RLCA
35711 LD D,A Now bit 5 of D is set if '6' is being pressed
35712 LD A,(34275) Pick up the WRITETYPER key counter from 34275
35715 CP 10 Has WRITETYPER been keyed in yet?
35717 JP NZ,35735 Jump if not
35720 LD BC,63486 Read keys 1-2-3-4-5
35723 IN A,(C)
35725 CPL Keep only bits 0-4 and flip them
35726 AND 31
35728 OR D Copy bit 5 of D into A; now A holds the number of the room to teleport to
35729 LD (33824),A Store the room number at 33824
35732 JP 35090 Teleport into the room
Finally, check the WRITETYPER keys.
35735 LD A,(34275) Pick up the WRITETYPER key counter from 34275
35738 CP 10 Has WRITETYPER been keyed in yet?
35740 JP Z,35245 If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
35743 LD A,(33824) Pick up the current room number from 33824
35746 CP 28 Are we in First Landing?
35748 JP NZ,35245 If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
35751 LD A,(34255) Pick up Willy's y-coordinate from 34255
35754 CP 208 Is Willy on the floor at the bottom of the staircase?
35756 JP NZ,35245 If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
35759 LD A,(34275) Pick up the WRITETYPER key counter (0-9) from 34275
35762 RLCA Point IX at the corresponding entry in the WRITETYPER table at 34279
35763 LD E,A
35764 LD D,0
35766 LD IX,34279
35770 ADD IX,DE
35772 LD BC,64510 Read keys Q-W-E-R-T
35775 IN A,(C)
35777 AND 31 Keep only bits 0-4
35779 CP (IX+0) Does this match the first byte of the entry in the WRITETYPER table?
35782 JR Z,35802 Jump if so
35784 CP 31 Are any of the keys Q-W-E-R-T being pressed?
35786 JP Z,35245 If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
35789 CP (IX-2) Does the keyboard reading match the first byte of the previous entry in the WRITETYPER table?
35792 JP Z,35245 If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
35795 XOR A Reset the WRITETYPER key counter at 34275 to 0 (an incorrect key was pressed)
35796 LD (34275),A
35799 JP 35245 Jump back to the start of the main loop
35802 LD B,223 Read keys Y-U-I-O-P
35804 IN A,(C)
35806 AND 31 Keep only bits 0-4
35808 CP (IX+1) Does this match the second byte of the entry in the WRITETYPER table?
35811 JR Z,35831 If so, jump to increment the WRITETYPER key counter
35813 CP 31 Are any of the keys Y-U-I-O-P being pressed?
35815 JP Z,35245 If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
35818 CP (IX-1) Does the keyboard reading match the second byte of the previous entry in the WRITETYPER table?
35821 JP Z,35245 If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
35824 XOR A Reset the WRITETYPER key counter at 34275 to 0 (an incorrect key was pressed)
35825 LD (34275),A
35828 JP 35245 Jump back to the start of the main loop
35831 LD A,(34275) Increment the WRITETYPER key counter at 34275
35834 INC A
35835 LD (34275),A
35838 JP 35245 Jump back to the start of the main loop
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