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8944: Display the game over sequence
Used by the routine at 870E. First check whether we have a new high score.
8944 LD HL,$841F Point HL at the high score at 841F
8947 LD DE,$8429 Point DE at the current score at 8429
894A LD B,$06 There are 6 digits to compare
894C LD A,(DE) Pick up a digit of the current score
894D CP (HL) Compare it with the corresponding digit of the high score
894E JP C,$8963 Jump if it's less than the corresponding digit of the high score
8951 JP NZ,$8958 Jump if it's greater than the corresponding digit of the high score
8954 INC HL Point HL at the next digit of the high score
8955 INC DE Point DE at the next digit of the current score
8956 DJNZ $894C Jump back to compare the next pair of digits
8958 LD HL,$8429 Replace the high score with the current score
895B LD DE,$841F
895E LD BC,$0006
8961 LDIR
Now prepare the screen for the game over sequence.
8963 LD HL,$4000 Clear the top two-thirds of the display file
8966 LD DE,$4001
8969 LD BC,$0FFF
896C LD (HL),$00
8970 XOR A Initialise the game status buffer variable at 80DC; this variable will determine the distance of the boot from the top of the screen
8971 LD ($80DC),A
8974 LD DE,$8240 Draw Willy at (12,15)
8977 LD HL,$488F
897A LD C,$00
897C CALL $8FF4
897F LD DE,$B6E0 Draw the plinth (see B6E0) underneath Willy at (14,15)
8982 LD HL,$48CF
8985 LD C,$00
8987 CALL $8FF4
The following loop draws the boot's descent onto the plinth that supports Willy while producing a sound effect.
898A LD A,($80DC) Pick up the distance variable from 80DC
898D LD C,A Point BC at the corresponding entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 8300
898E LD B,$83
8990 LD A,(BC) Point HL at the corresponding location in the display file
8991 OR $0F
8993 LD L,A
8994 INC BC
8995 LD A,(BC)
8996 SUB $20
8998 LD H,A
8999 LD DE,$BAE0 Draw the boot (see BAE0) at this location, without erasing the boot at the previous location; this leaves the portion of the boot sprite that's above the ankle in place, and makes the boot appear as if it's at the end of a long, extending trouser leg
899C LD C,$00
899E CALL $8FF4
89A1 LD A,($80DC) Pick up the distance variable from 80DC
89A4 CPL A=0xFF-A
89A5 LD E,A Store this value (0x3F-0xFF) in E; it determines the (rising) pitch of the sound effect that will be made
89A6 XOR A A=0 (black border)
89A7 LD BC,$0040 C=0x40; this value determines the duration of the sound effect
89AA OUT ($FE),A Produce a short note whose pitch is determined by E
89AC XOR $18
89B1 DEC C
89B2 JR NZ,$89AA
89B4 LD HL,$5800 Prepare BC, DE and HL for setting the attribute bytes in the top two-thirds of the screen
89B7 LD DE,$5801
89BA LD BC,$01FF
89BD LD A,($80DC) Pick up the distance variable from 80DC
89C0 AND $0C Keep only bits 2 and 3
89C2 RLCA Shift bits 2 and 3 into bits 3 and 4; these bits determine the PAPER colour: 0, 1, 2 or 3
89C3 OR $47 Set bits 0-2 (INK 7) and 6 (BRIGHT 1)
89C5 LD (HL),A Copy this attribute value into the top two-thirds of the screen
89C8 LD A,($80DC) Add 4 to the distance variable at 80DC; this will move the boot sprite down two pixel rows
89CB ADD A,$04
89CD LD ($80DC),A
89D0 CP $C4 Has the boot met the plinth yet?
89D2 JR NZ,$898A Jump back if not
Now print the "Game Over" message, just to drive the point home.
89D4 LD IX,$844F Print "Game" (see 844F) at (6,10)
89D8 LD C,$04
89DA LD DE,$40CA
89E0 LD IX,$8453 Print "Over" (see 8453) at (6,18)
89E4 LD C,$04
89E6 LD DE,$40D2
89E9 CALL $92BA
89EC LD BC,$0000 Prepare the delay counters for the following loop; the counter in C will also determine the INK colours to use for the "Game Over" message
89EF LD D,$06
The following loop makes the "Game Over" message glisten for about 1.57s.
89F1 DJNZ $89F1 Delay for about a millisecond
89F3 LD A,C Change the INK colour of the "G" in "Game" at (6,10)
89F4 AND $07
89F6 OR $40
89F8 LD ($58CA),A
89FB INC A Change the INK colour of the "a" in "Game" at (6,11)
89FC AND $07
89FE OR $40
8A00 LD ($58CB),A
8A03 INC A Change the INK colour of the "m" in "Game" at (6,12)
8A04 AND $07
8A06 OR $40
8A08 LD ($58CC),A
8A0B INC A Change the INK colour of the "e" in "Game" at (6,13)
8A0C AND $07
8A0E OR $40
8A10 LD ($58CD),A
8A13 INC A Change the INK colour of the "O" in "Over" at (6,18)
8A14 AND $07
8A16 OR $40
8A18 LD ($58D2),A
8A1B INC A Change the INK colour of the "v" in "Over" at (6,19)
8A1C AND $07
8A1E OR $40
8A20 LD ($58D3),A
8A23 INC A Change the INK colour of the "e" in "Over" at (6,20)
8A24 AND $07
8A26 OR $40
8A28 LD ($58D4),A
8A2B INC A Change the INK colour of the "r" in "Over" at (6,21)
8A2C AND $07
8A2E OR $40
8A30 LD ($58D5),A
8A33 DEC C Decrement the counter in C
8A34 JR NZ,$89F1 Jump back unless it's zero
8A36 DEC D Decrement the counter in D (initially 6)
8A37 JR NZ,$89F1 Jump back unless it's zero
8A39 JP $85CC Display the title screen and play the theme tune
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