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870E: Main loop
The routine at 8684 continues here.
The first thing to do is check whether there are any remaining lives to draw at the bottom of the screen.
870E LD A,($8457) Pick up the number of lives remaining from 8457
8711 LD HL,$50A0 Set HL to the display file address at which to draw the first Willy sprite
8714 OR A Are there any lives remaining?
8715 JR Z,$8730 Jump if not
8717 LD B,A Initialise B to the number of lives remaining
The following loop draws the remaining lives at the bottom of the screen.
8718 LD C,$00 C=0; this tells the sprite-drawing routine at 8FF4 to overwrite any existing graphics
871A PUSH HL Save HL and BC briefly
871C LD A,($845B) Pick up the in-game music note index from 845B; this will determine the animation frame for the Willy sprites
871F RLCA Now A=0x00 (frame 0), 0x20 (frame 1), 0x40 (frame 2) or 0x60 (frame 3)
8720 RLCA
8721 RLCA
8722 AND $60
8724 LD E,A Point DE at the corresponding Willy sprite (at 8200+A)
8725 LD D,$82
8727 CALL $8FF4 Draw the Willy sprite on the screen
872A POP BC Restore HL and BC
872C INC HL Move HL along to the location at which to draw the next Willy sprite
872E DJNZ $8718 Jump back to draw any remaining sprites
Now draw a boot if cheat mode has been activated.
8730 LD A,($845D) Pick up the 6031769 key counter from 845D
8733 CP $07 Has 6031769 been keyed in yet?
8735 JR NZ,$873F Jump if not
8737 LD DE,$BAE0 Point DE at the graphic data for the boot (at BAE0)
873A LD C,$00 C=0 (overwrite mode)
873C CALL $8FF4 Draw the boot at the bottom of the screen next to the remaining lives
Next, prepare the screen and attribute buffers for drawing to the screen.
873F LD HL,$5E00 Copy the contents of the attribute buffer at 5E00 (the attributes for the empty cavern) into the attribute buffer at 5C00
8742 LD DE,$5C00
8745 LD BC,$0200
8748 LDIR
874A LD HL,$7000 Copy the contents of the screen buffer at 7000 (the tiles for the empty cavern) into the screen buffer at 6000
874D LD DE,$6000
8750 LD BC,$1000
8753 LDIR
8755 CALL $8D0F Move the horizontal guardians in the current cavern
8758 LD A,($845A) Pick up the game mode indicator from 845A
875B OR A Are we in demo mode?
875C CALL Z,$8ABB If not, move Willy
875F LD A,($845A) Pick up the game mode indicator from 845A
8762 OR A Are we in demo mode?
8763 CALL Z,$923A If not, check and set the attribute bytes for Willy's sprite in the buffer at 5C00, and draw Willy to the screen buffer at 6000
8766 CALL $8DAA Draw the horizontal guardians in the current cavern
8769 CALL $9105 Move the conveyor in the current cavern
876C CALL $8F63 Draw the items in the current cavern and collect any that Willy is touching
876F LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
8772 CP $04 Are we in Eugene's Lair?
8774 CALL Z,$8DF8 If so, move and draw Eugene
8777 LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
877A CP $0D Are we in Skylab Landing Bay?
877C JP Z,$8E75 If so, move and draw the Skylabs
877F LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
8782 CP $08 Are we in Wacky Amoebatrons or beyond?
8784 CALL NC,$8EF1 If so, move and draw the vertical guardians
8787 LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
878A CP $07 Are we in Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast?
878C CALL Z,$9135 If so, move and draw the Kong Beast
878F LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
8792 CP $0B Are we in Return of the Alien Kong Beast?
8794 CALL Z,$9135 If so, move and draw the Kong Beast
8797 LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
879A CP $12 Are we in Solar Power Generator?
879C CALL Z,$8D73 If so, move and draw the light beam
This entry point is used by the routine at 8E75.
879F CALL $8FC5 Draw the portal, or move to the next cavern if Willy has entered it
This entry point is used by the routine at 8D05.
87A2 LD HL,$6000 Copy the contents of the screen buffer at 6000 to the display file
87A5 LD DE,$4000
87A8 LD BC,$1000
87AD LD A,($8458) Pick up the screen flash counter from 8458
87B0 OR A Is it zero?
87B1 JR Z,$87C8 Jump if so
87B3 DEC A Decrement the screen flash counter at 8458
87B4 LD ($8458),A
87B7 RLCA Move bits 0-2 into bits 3-5 and clear all the other bits
87BA AND $38
87BC LD HL,$5C00 Set every attribute byte in the buffer at 5C00 to this value
87BF LD DE,$5C01
87C2 LD BC,$01FF
87C5 LD (HL),A
87C8 LD HL,$5C00 Copy the contents of the attribute buffer at 5C00 to the attribute file
87CB LD DE,$5800
87CE LD BC,$0200
87D3 LD IX,$8429 Print the score (see 8429) at (19,26)
87D7 LD DE,$507A
87DA LD C,$06
87DF LD IX,$841F Print the high score (see 841F) at (19,11)
87E3 LD DE,$506B
87E6 LD C,$06
87E8 CALL $92BA
87EB CALL $8A3C Decrease the air remaining in the current cavern
87EE JP Z,$88FF Jump if there's no air left
Now check whether SHIFT and SPACE are being pressed.
87F1 LD BC,$FEFE Read keys SHIFT-Z-X-C-V
87F4 IN A,(C)
87F6 LD E,A Save the result in E
87F7 LD B,$7F Read keys B-N-M-SS-SPACE
87F9 IN A,(C)
87FB OR E Combine the results
87FC AND $01 Are SHIFT and SPACE being pressed?
87FE JP Z,$85CC If so, quit the game
Now read the keys A, S, D, F and G (which pause the game).
8801 LD B,$FD Read keys A-S-D-F-G
8803 IN A,(C)
8805 AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8807 CP $1F
8809 JR Z,$8815 Jump if not
880B LD B,$02 Read every half-row of keys except A-S-D-F-G
880D IN A,(C)
880F AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8811 CP $1F
8813 JR Z,$880B Jump back if not (the game is still paused)
Here we check whether Willy has had a fatal accident.
8815 LD A,($806B) Pick up the airborne status indicator from 806B
8818 CP $FF Has Willy landed after falling from too great a height, or collided with a nasty or a guardian?
881A JP Z,$88FF Jump if so
Now read the keys H, J, K, L and ENTER (which toggle the in-game music).
881D LD B,$BF Prepare B for reading keys H-J-K-L-ENTER
881F LD HL,$845C Point HL at the music flags at 845C
8822 IN A,(C) Read keys H-J-K-L-ENTER
8824 AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8826 CP $1F
8828 JR Z,$8834 Jump if not
882A BIT 0,(HL) Were any of these keys being pressed the last time we checked?
882C JR NZ,$8836 Jump if so
882E LD A,(HL) Set bit 0 (the keypress flag) and flip bit 1 (the in-game music flag) at 845C
882F XOR $03
8831 LD (HL),A
8832 JR $8836
8834 RES 0,(HL) Reset bit 0 (the keypress flag) at 845C
8836 BIT 1,(HL) Has the in-game music been switched off?
8838 JR NZ,$885F Jump if so
The next section of code plays a note of the in-game music.
883A LD A,($845B) Increment the in-game music note index at 845B
883D INC A
883E LD ($845B),A
8841 AND $7E Point HL at the appropriate entry in the tune data table at 858C
8843 RRCA
8844 LD E,A
8845 LD D,$00
8847 LD HL,$858C
884B LD A,($8073) Pick up the border colour for the current cavern from 8073
884E LD E,(HL) Initialise the pitch delay counter in E
884F LD BC,$0003 Initialise the duration delay counters in B (0) and C (3)
8852 OUT ($FE),A Produce a note of the in-game music
8854 DEC E
8855 JR NZ,$885A
8857 LD E,(HL)
8858 XOR $18
885A DJNZ $8852
885C DEC C
885D JR NZ,$8852
If we're in demo mode, check the keyboard and joystick and return to the title screen if there's any input.
885F LD A,($845A) Pick up the game mode indicator from 845A
8862 OR A Are we in demo mode?
8863 JR Z,$8884 Jump if not
8865 DEC A We're in demo mode; is it time to show the next cavern?
8866 JP Z,$88FF Jump if so
8869 LD ($845A),A Update the game mode indicator at 845A
886C LD BC,$00FE Read every row of keys on the keyboard
886F IN A,(C)
8871 AND $1F Are any keys being pressed?
8873 CP $1F
8875 JP NZ,$85CC If so, return to the title screen
8878 LD A,($8459) Pick up the Kempston joystick indicator from 8459
887B OR A Is there a joystick connected?
887C JR Z,$8884 Jump if not
887E IN A,($1F) Collect input from the joystick
8880 OR A Is the joystick being moved or the fire button being pressed?
8881 JP NZ,$85CC If so, return to the title screen
Here we check the teleport keys.
8884 LD BC,$EFFE Read keys 6-7-8-9-0
8887 IN A,(C)
8889 BIT 4,A Is '6' (the activator key) being pressed?
888B JP NZ,$88A8 Jump if not
888E LD A,($845D) Pick up the 6031769 key counter from 845D
8891 CP $07 Has 6031769 been keyed in yet?
8893 JP NZ,$88A8 Jump if not
8896 LD B,$F7 Read keys 1-2-3-4-5
8898 IN A,(C)
889A CPL Keep only bits 0-4 and flip them
889B AND $1F
889D CP $14 Is the result 0x14 or greater?
889F JP NC,$88A8 Jump if so (this is not a cavern number)
88A2 LD ($8407),A Store the cavern number at 8407
88A5 JP $8691 Teleport into the cavern
Now check the 6031769 keys.
88A8 LD A,($845D) Pick up the 6031769 key counter from 845D
88AB CP $07 Has 6031769 been keyed in yet?
88AD JP Z,$870E If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
88B0 RLCA Point IX at the corresponding entry in the 6031769 table at 8460
88B1 LD E,A
88B2 LD D,$00
88B4 LD IX,$8460
88BA LD BC,$F7FE Read keys 1-2-3-4-5
88BD IN A,(C)
88BF AND $1F Keep only bits 0-4
88C1 CP (IX+$00) Does this match the first byte of the entry in the 6031769 table?
88C4 JR Z,$88D8 Jump if so
88C6 CP $1F Are any of the keys 1-2-3-4-5 being pressed?
88C8 JP Z,$870E If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
88CB CP (IX-$02) Does the keyboard reading match the first byte of the previous entry in the 6031769 table?
88CE JP Z,$870E If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
88D1 XOR A Reset the 6031769 key counter at 845D to 0 (an incorrect key is being pressed)
88D2 LD ($845D),A
88D5 JP $870E Jump back to the start of the main loop
88D8 LD B,$EF Read keys 6-7-8-9-0
88DA IN A,(C)
88DC AND $1F Keep only bits 0-4
88DE CP (IX+$01) Does this match the second byte of the entry in the 6031769 table?
88E1 JR Z,$88F5 If so, jump to increment the 6031769 key counter
88E3 CP $1F Are any of the keys 6-7-8-9-0 being pressed?
88E5 JP Z,$870E If not, jump back to the start of the main loop
88E8 CP (IX-$01) Does the keyboard reading match the second byte of the previous entry in the 6031769 table?
88EB JP Z,$870E If so, jump back to the start of the main loop
88EE XOR A Reset the 6031769 key counter at 845D to 0 (an incorrect key is being pressed)
88EF LD ($845D),A
88F2 JP $870E Jump back to the start of the main loop
88F5 LD A,($845D) Increment the 6031769 key counter at 845D (the next key in the sequence is being pressed)
88F8 INC A
88F9 LD ($845D),A
88FC JP $870E Jump back to the start of the main loop
The air in the cavern has run out, or Willy has had a fatal accident, or it's demo mode and it's time to show the next cavern.
88FF LD A,($845A) Pick up the game mode indicator from 845A
8902 OR A Is it demo mode?
8903 JP NZ,$9028 If so, move to the next cavern
8906 LD A,$47 A=0x47 (INK 7: PAPER 0: BRIGHT 1)
The following loop fills the top two thirds of the attribute file with a single value (0x47, 0x46, 0x45, 0x44, 0x43, 0x42, 0x41 or 0x40) and makes a sound effect.
8908 LD HL,$5800 Fill the top two thirds of the attribute file with the value in A
890B LD DE,$5801
890E LD BC,$01FF
8911 LD (HL),A
8912 LDIR
8914 LD E,A Save the attribute byte (0x40-0x47) in E for later retrieval
8915 CPL D=63-8*(E AND 7); this value determines the pitch of the short note that will be played
8916 AND $07
8918 RLCA
8919 RLCA
891B OR $07
891D LD D,A
891E LD C,E C=8+32*(E AND 7); this value determines the duration of the short note that will be played
891F RRC C
8921 RRC C
8923 RRC C
8925 OR $10 Set bit 4 of A (for no apparent reason)
8927 XOR A Set A=0 (this will make the border black)
8928 OUT ($FE),A Produce a short note whose pitch is determined by D and whose duration is determined by C
892A XOR $18
892C LD B,D
892D DJNZ $892D
892F DEC C
8930 JR NZ,$8928
8932 LD A,E Restore the attribute byte (originally 0x47) to A
8933 DEC A Decrement it (effectively decrementing the INK colour)
8934 CP $3F Have we used attribute value 0x40 (INK 0) yet?
8936 JR NZ,$8908 If not, jump back to update the INK colour in the top two thirds of the screen and make another sound effect
Finally, check whether any lives remain.
8938 LD HL,$8457 Pick up the number of lives remaining from 8457
893B LD A,(HL)
893C OR A Are there any lives remaining?
893D JP Z,$8944 If not, display the game over sequence
8940 DEC (HL) Decrease the number of lives remaining by one
8941 JP $8691 Jump back to reinitialise the current cavern
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