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9135: Move and draw the Kong Beast in the current cavern
Used by the routine at 870E.
9135 LD HL,$5C06 Flip the left-hand switch at (0,6) if Willy is touching it
9138 CALL $921B
913B LD A,($80DB) Pick up the Kong Beast's status from 80DB
913E CP $02 Is the Kong Beast already dead?
9140 RET Z Return if so
9141 LD A,($7506) Pick up the sixth pixel row of the left-hand switch from the screen buffer at 7000
9144 CP $10 Has the switch been flipped?
9146 JP Z,$91F9 Jump if not
The left-hand switch has been flipped. Deal with opening up the wall if that is still in progress.
9149 LD A,($5F71) Pick up the attribute byte of the tile at (11,17) in the buffer at 5E00
914C OR A Has the wall there been removed yet?
914D JR Z,$9176 Jump if so
914F LD HL,$7F71 Point HL at the bottom row of pixels of the wall tile at (11,17) in the screen buffer at 7000
9152 LD A,(HL) Pick up a pixel row
9153 OR A Is it blank yet?
9154 JR NZ,$916C Jump if not
9156 DEC H Point HL at the next pixel row up
9157 LD A,H Have we checked all 8 pixel rows yet?
9158 CP $77
915A JR NZ,$9152 If not, jump back to check the next one
915C LD A,($8020) Pick up the attribute byte of the background tile for the current cavern from 8020
915F LD ($5F71),A Change the attributes at (11,17) and (12,17) in the buffer at 5E00 to match the background tile (the wall there is now gone)
9162 LD ($5F91),A
9165 LD A,$72 Update the seventh byte of the guardian definition at 80C5 so that the guardian moves through the opening in the wall
9167 LD ($80CB),A
916A JR $9176
916C LD (HL),$00 Clear a pixel row of the wall tile at (11,17) in the screen buffer at 7000
916E LD L,$91 Point HL at the opposite pixel row of the wall tile one cell down at (12,17)
9170 LD A,H
9171 XOR $07
9173 LD H,A
9174 LD (HL),$00 Clear that pixel row as well
Now check the right-hand switch.
9176 LD HL,$5C12 Flip the right-hand switch at (0,18) if Willy is touching it (and it hasn't already been flipped)
9179 CALL $921B
917C JR NZ,$919D Jump if the switch was not flipped
917E XOR A Initialise the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate at 80DC to 0
917F LD ($80DC),A
9182 INC A Update the Kong Beast's status at 80DB to 1: he is falling
9183 LD ($80DB),A
9186 LD A,($8020) Pick up the attribute byte of the background tile for the current cavern from 8020
9189 LD ($5E4F),A Change the attributes of the floor beneath the Kong Beast in the buffer at 5E00 to match that of the background tile
918C LD ($5E50),A
918F LD HL,$704F Point HL at (2,15) in the screen buffer at 7000
9192 LD B,$08 Clear the cells at (2,15) and (2,16), removing the floor beneath the Kong Beast
9194 LD (HL),$00
9196 INC L
9197 LD (HL),$00
9199 DEC L
919A INC H
919B DJNZ $9194
919D LD A,($80DB) Pick up the Kong Beast's status from 80DB
91A0 OR A Is the Kong Beast still on the ledge?
91A1 JR Z,$91F9 Jump if so
The Kong Beast is falling.
91A3 LD A,($80DC) Pick up the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate from 80DC
91A6 CP $64 Has he fallen into the portal yet?
91A8 JR Z,$91F3 Jump if so
91AA ADD A,$04 Add 4 to the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate at 80DC (moving him downwards)
91AC LD ($80DC),A
91AF LD C,A Copy the pixel y-coordinate to C; this value determines the pitch of the sound effect
91B0 LD D,$10 This value determines the duration of the sound effect
91B2 LD A,($8073) Pick up the border colour for the current cavern from 8073
91B5 OUT ($FE),A Make a falling sound effect
91B7 XOR $18
91B9 LD B,C
91BD JR NZ,$91B5
91BF LD A,C Copy the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate back into A
91C0 RLCA Point DE at the entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 8300 that corresponds to the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate
91C1 LD E,A
91C2 LD D,$83
91C4 LD A,(DE) Point HL at the address of the Kong Beast's location in the screen buffer at 6000
91C5 OR $0F
91C7 LD L,A
91C9 LD A,(DE)
91CB LD D,$81 Use bit 5 of the value of the game clock at 80BD (which is toggled once every eight passes through the main loop) to point DE at the graphic data for the appropriate Kong Beast sprite
91CD LD A,($80BD)
91D0 AND $20
91D2 OR $40
91D4 LD E,A
91D5 LD C,$00 Draw the Kong Beast to the screen buffer at 6000
91D7 CALL $8FF4
91DA LD HL,$842C Add 100 to the score
91E0 LD A,($80DC) Pick up the Kong Beast's pixel y-coordinate from 80DC
91E3 AND $78 Point HL at the address of the Kong Beast's location in the attribute buffer at 5C00
91E5 LD L,A
91E6 LD H,$17
91EB OR $0F
91EE LD A,$06 The Kong Beast is drawn with yellow INK
91F0 JP $8E5F Set the attribute bytes for the Kong Beast
The Kong Beast has fallen into the portal.
91F3 LD A,$02 Set the Kong Beast's status at 80DB to 2: he is dead
91F5 LD ($80DB),A
91F8 RET
The Kong Beast is still on the ledge.
91F9 LD A,($80BD) Pick up the value of the game clock at 80BD
91FC AND $20 Use bit 5 of this value (which is toggled once every eight passes through the main loop) to point DE at the graphic data for the appropriate Kong Beast sprite
91FF LD D,$81
9201 LD HL,$600F Draw the Kong Beast at (0,15) in the screen buffer at 6000
9204 LD C,$01
9206 CALL $8FF4
9209 JP NZ,$8D06 Kill Willy if he collided with the Kong Beast
920C LD A,$44 A=0x44 (INK 4: PAPER 0: BRIGHT 1)
920E LD ($5C2F),A Set the attribute bytes for the Kong Beast in the buffer at 5C00
9211 LD ($5C30),A
9214 LD ($5C0F),A
9217 LD ($5C10),A
921A RET
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