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A483: BASIC warm start
the warm start vector is initialised to point here
A483 20 60 A5 JSR $A560 call for BASIC input
A486 86 7A STX $7A save BASIC execute pointer low byte
A488 84 7B STY $7B save BASIC execute pointer high byte
A48A 20 73 00 JSR $0073 increment and scan memory
A48D AA TAX copy byte to set flags
A48E F0 F0 BEQ $A480 loop if no input
got to interpret the input line now ....
A490 A2 FF LDX #$FF current line high byte to -1, indicates immediate mode
A492 86 3A STX $3A set current line number high byte
A494 90 06 BCC $A49C if numeric character go handle new BASIC line
no line number .. immediate mode
A496 20 79 A5 JSR $A579 crunch keywords into BASIC tokens
A499 4C E1 A7 JMP $A7E1 go scan and interpret code
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