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A49C: handle new BASIC line
Used by the routine at A483.
A49C 20 6B A9 JSR $A96B get fixed-point number into temporary integer
A49F 20 79 A5 JSR $A579 crunch keywords into BASIC tokens
A4A2 84 0B STY $0B save index pointer to end of crunched line
A4A4 20 13 A6 JSR $A613 search BASIC for temporary integer line number
A4A7 90 44 BCC $A4ED if not found skip the line delete
line # already exists so delete it
A4A9 A0 01 LDY #$01 set index to next line pointer high byte
A4AB B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get next line pointer high byte
A4AD 85 23 STA $23 save it
A4AF A5 2D LDA $2D get start of variables low byte
A4B1 85 22 STA $22 save it
A4B3 A5 60 LDA $60 get found line pointer high byte
A4B5 85 25 STA $25 save it
A4B7 A5 5F LDA $5F get found line pointer low byte
A4B9 88 DEY decrement index
A4BA F1 5F SBC ($5F),Y subtract next line pointer low byte
A4BC 18 CLC clear carry for add
A4BD 65 2D ADC $2D add start of variables low byte
A4BF 85 2D STA $2D set start of variables low byte
A4C1 85 24 STA $24 save destination pointer low byte
A4C3 A5 2E LDA $2E get start of variables high byte
A4C5 69 FF ADC #$FF -1 + carry
A4C7 85 2E STA $2E set start of variables high byte
A4C9 E5 60 SBC $60 subtract found line pointer high byte
A4CB AA TAX copy to block count
A4CC 38 SEC set carry for subtract
A4CD A5 5F LDA $5F get found line pointer low byte
A4CF E5 2D SBC $2D subtract start of variables low byte
A4D1 A8 TAY copy to bytes in first block count
A4D2 B0 03 BCS $A4D7 branch if no underflow
A4D4 E8 INX increment block count, correct for = 0 loop exit
A4D5 C6 25 DEC $25 decrement destination high byte
A4D7 18 CLC clear carry for add
A4D8 65 22 ADC $22 add source pointer low byte
A4DA 90 03 BCC $A4DF branch if no overflow
A4DC C6 23 DEC $23 else decrement source pointer high byte
A4DE 18 CLC clear carry
close up memory to delete old line
A4DF B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get byte from source
A4E1 91 24 STA ($24),Y copy to destination
A4E3 C8 INY increment index
A4E4 D0 F9 BNE $A4DF while <> 0 do this block
A4E6 E6 23 INC $23 increment source pointer high byte
A4E8 E6 25 INC $25 increment destination pointer high byte
A4EA CA DEX decrement block count
A4EB D0 F2 BNE $A4DF loop until all done
got new line in buffer and no existing same #
A4ED 20 59 A6 JSR $A659 reset execution to start, clear variables, flush stack and return
A4F0 20 33 A5 JSR $A533 rebuild BASIC line chaining
A4F3 AD 00 02 LDA $0200 get first byte from buffer
A4F6 F0 88 BEQ $A480 if no line go do BASIC warm start
else insert line into memory
A4F8 18 CLC clear carry for add
A4F9 A5 2D LDA $2D get start of variables low byte
A4FB 85 5A STA $5A save as source end pointer low byte
A4FD 65 0B ADC $0B add index pointer to end of crunched line
A4FF 85 58 STA $58 save as destination end pointer low byte
A501 A4 2E LDY $2E get start of variables high byte
A503 84 5B STY $5B save as source end pointer high byte
A505 90 01 BCC $A508 branch if no carry to high byte
A507 C8 INY else increment high byte
A508 84 59 STY $59 save as destination end pointer high byte
A50A 20 B8 A3 JSR $A3B8 open up space in memory
most of what remains to do is copy the crunched line into the space opened up in memory, however, before the crunched line comes the next line pointer and the line number. the line number is retrieved from the temporary integer and stored in memory, this overwrites the bottom two bytes on the stack. next the line is copied and the next line pointer is filled with whatever was in two bytes above the line number in the stack. this is ok because the line pointer gets fixed in the line chain re-build.
A50D A5 14 LDA $14 get line number low byte
A50F A4 15 LDY $15 get line number high byte
A511 8D FE 01 STA $01FE save line number low byte before crunched line
A514 8C FF 01 STY $01FF save line number high byte before crunched line
A517 A5 31 LDA $31 get end of arrays low byte
A519 A4 32 LDY $32 get end of arrays high byte
A51B 85 2D STA $2D set start of variables low byte
A51D 84 2E STY $2E set start of variables high byte
A51F A4 0B LDY $0B get index to end of crunched line
A521 88 DEY -1
A522 B9 FC 01 LDA $01FC,Y get byte from crunched line
A525 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save byte to memory
A527 88 DEY decrement index
A528 10 F8 BPL $A522 loop while more to do
This entry point is used by the routine at E195.
reset execution, clear variables, flush stack, rebuild BASIC chain and do warm start
A52A 20 59 A6 JSR $A659 reset execution to start, clear variables and flush stack
A52D 20 33 A5 JSR $A533 rebuild BASIC line chaining
A530 4C 80 A4 JMP $A480 go do BASIC warm start
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