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A560: call for BASIC input
Used by the routines at A483 and ABF9.
A560 A2 00 LDX #$00 set channel $00, keyboard
A562 20 12 E1 JSR $E112 input character from channel with error check
A565 C9 0D CMP #$0D compare with [CR]
A567 F0 0D BEQ $A576 if [CR] set XY to $200 - 1, print [CR] and exit
character was not [CR]
A569 9D 00 02 STA $0200,X save character to buffer
A56C E8 INX increment buffer index
A56D E0 59 CPX #$59 compare with max+1
A56F 90 F1 BCC $A562 branch if < max+1
A571 A2 17 LDX #$17 error $17, string too long error
A573 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 do error #X then warm start
A576 4C CA AA JMP $AACA set XY to $200 - 1 and print [CR]
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