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E5A0: initialise the vic chip
Used by the routines at E518 and E599.
E5A0 A9 03 LDA #$03 set the screen as the output device
E5A2 85 9A STA $9A save the output device number
E5A4 A9 00 LDA #$00 set the keyboard as the input device
E5A6 85 99 STA $99 save the input device number
E5A8 A2 2F LDX #$2F set the count/index
E5AA BD B8 EC LDA $ECB8,X get a vic ii chip initialisation value
E5AD 9D FF CF STA $CFFF,X save it to the vic ii chip
E5B0 CA DEX decrement the count/index
E5B1 D0 F7 BNE $E5AA loop if more to do
E5B3 60 RTS
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