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E5B4: input from the keyboard buffer
Used by the routines at E5CD and F13E.
E5B4 AC 77 02 LDY $0277 get the current character from the buffer
E5B7 A2 00 LDX #$00 clear the index
E5B9 BD 78 02 LDA $0278,X get the next character,X from the buffer
E5BC 9D 77 02 STA $0277,X save it as the current character,X in the buffer
E5BF E8 INX increment the index
E5C0 E4 C6 CPX $C6 compare it with the keyboard buffer index
E5C2 D0 F5 BNE $E5B9 loop if more to do
E5C4 C6 C6 DEC $C6 decrement keyboard buffer index
E5C6 98 TYA copy the key to A
E5C7 58 CLI enable the interrupts
E5C8 18 CLC flag got byte
E5C9 60 RTS
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