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F13E: get character from the input device
F13E A5 99 LDA $99 get the input device number
F140 D0 08 BNE $F14A if not the keyboard go handle other devices
the input device was the keyboard
F142 A5 C6 LDA $C6 get the keyboard buffer index
F144 F0 0F BEQ $F155 if the buffer is empty go flag no byte and return
F146 78 SEI disable the interrupts
F147 4C B4 E5 JMP $E5B4 get input from the keyboard buffer and return
the input device was not the keyboard
F14A C9 02 CMP #$02 compare the device with the RS232 device
F14C D0 18 BNE $F166 if not the RS232 device go ??
This entry point is used by the routine at F1B8.
the input device is the RS232 device
F14E 84 97 STY $97 save Y
F150 20 86 F0 JSR $F086 get a byte from RS232 buffer
F153 A4 97 LDY $97 restore Y
F155 18 CLC flag no error
F156 60 RTS
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