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F086: get byte from RS232 buffer
Used by the routine at F13E.
F086 AD 97 02 LDA $0297 get the RS232 status register
F089 AC 9C 02 LDY $029C get index to Rx buffer start
F08C CC 9B 02 CPY $029B compare with index to Rx buffer end
F08F F0 0B BEQ $F09C return null if buffer empty
F091 29 F7 AND #$F7 clear the Rx buffer empty bit
F093 8D 97 02 STA $0297 save the RS232 status register
F096 B1 F7 LDA ($F7),Y get byte from Rx buffer
F098 EE 9C 02 INC $029C increment index to Rx buffer start
F09B 60 RTS
F09C 09 08 ORA #$08 set the Rx buffer empty bit
F09E 8D 97 02 STA $0297 save the RS232 status register
F0A1 A9 00 LDA #$00 return null
F0A3 60 RTS
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