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E691: insert uppercase/graphic character
Used by the routine at E716.
E691 09 40 ORA #$40 change to uppercase/graphic
This entry point is used by the routine at E716.
E693 A6 C7 LDX $C7 get the reverse flag
E695 F0 02 BEQ $E699 branch if not reverse
This entry point is used by the routine at E716.
else ... insert reversed character
E697 09 80 ORA #$80 reverse character
E699 A6 D8 LDX $D8 get the insert count
E69B F0 02 BEQ $E69F branch if none
E69D C6 D8 DEC $D8 else decrement the insert count
E69F AE 86 02 LDX $0286 get the current colour code
E6A2 20 13 EA JSR $EA13 print character A and colour X
E6A5 20 B6 E6 JSR $E6B6 advance the cursor
This entry point is used by the routines at E701, E716, E891 and EC44.
restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
E6A8 68 PLA pull Y
E6A9 A8 TAY restore Y
E6AA A5 D8 LDA $D8 get the insert count
E6AC F0 02 BEQ $E6B0 skip quote flag clear if inserts to do
E6AE 46 D4 LSR $D4 clear cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
E6B0 68 PLA pull X
E6B1 AA TAX restore X
E6B2 68 PLA restore A
E6B3 18 CLC
E6B4 58 CLI enable the interrupts
E6B5 60 RTS
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