Prev: E6B6 Up: Map Next: E716
E701: back onto the previous line if possible
Used by the routine at E716.
E701 A6 D6 LDX $D6 get the cursor row
E703 D0 06 BNE $E70B branch if not top row
E705 86 D3 STX $D3 clear cursor column
E707 68 PLA dump return address low byte
E708 68 PLA dump return address high byte
E709 D0 9D BNE $E6A8 restore registers, set quote flag and exit, branch always
E70B CA DEX decrement the cursor row
E70C 86 D6 STX $D6 save the cursor row
E70E 20 6C E5 JSR $E56C set the screen pointers for cursor row, column
E711 A4 D5 LDY $D5 get current screen line length
E713 84 D3 STY $D3 save the cursor column
E715 60 RTS
Prev: E6B6 Up: Map Next: E716