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FD30: kernal vectors
FD30 .WORD $EA31 $0314 IRQ vector
FD32 .WORD $FE66 $0316 BRK vector
FD34 .WORD $FE47 $0318 NMI vector
FD36 .WORD $F34A $031A open a logical file
FD38 .WORD $F291 $031C close a specified logical file
FD3A .WORD $F20E $031E open channel for input
FD3C .WORD $F250 $0320 open channel for output
FD3E .WORD $F333 $0322 close input and output channels
FD40 .WORD $F157 $0324 input character from channel
FD42 .WORD $F1CA $0326 output character to channel
FD44 .WORD $F6ED $0328 scan stop key
FD46 .WORD $F13E $032A get character from the input device
FD48 .WORD $F32F $032C close all channels and files
Vector to user defined command, currently points to BRK.
This appears to be a holdover from PET days, when the built-in machine language monitor would jump through the $032E vector when it encountered a command that it did not understand, allowing the user to add new commands to the monitor.
Although this vector is initialized to point to the routine called by STOP/RESTORE and the BRK interrupt, and is updated by the kernal vector routine at FD1A, it no longer has any function.
FD4A .WORD $FE66 $032E user function
FD4C .WORD $F4A5 $0330 load
FD4E .WORD $F5ED $0332 save
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