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$1CCB: Deal with a character who's been dethroned (2)
This corresponds to $6C64 in the ZX Spectrum version.
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into a character's buffer by the routine at $1CB4.
$1CCB DEC $B5 Decrement the delay counter at $B5.
$1CCD BNE $1D15 Branch unless it's time to get up off the floor.
$1CCF LDA #$1C Replace the address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine in the character's buffer with that of $1CEC.
$1CD1 STA $B1
$1CD3 LDA #$EC
$1CD5 STA $B0
$1CD7 JSR $322E Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location.
$1CDA LDA $26 Adjust the character's animatory state at $26, making him stand up.
$1CDC AND #$F8
$1CDE STA $26
$1CE0 CMP #$10 Is the character EINSTEIN (animatory state $10)?
$1CE2 BEQ $1CE6 Branch if so (only EINSTEIN will sit back in the same chair).
$1CE4 DEC $FC Decrement the character's x-coordinate at $FC. This makes him look for another chair.
$1CE6 JSR $322E Update the SRB for the character's new animatory state and location.
$1CE9 JMP $1D15 Return.
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