Prev: $277C Up: Map Next: $2796
$277D: Make MR WACKER give ERIC 2000 lines
This corresponds to $F7E0 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by command lists $D6 and $DA.
$277D LDA #$4C Place $4C00 (TAKE 2000 LINES YOU NASTY BOY) at $AC.
$277F STA $AD
$2781 LDA #$00
$2783 STA $AC
$2785 JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $2387 into MR WACKER's buffer and jump to it.
$2788 .WORD $2387
Control returns here after MR WACKER has spoken to ERIC.
$278A LDA #$01 Set the MSB of the lesson clock at $40 to 1 so that the bell will ring soon.
$278C STA $40
$278E LDA #$C8 Add 2000 lines to ERIC's total.
$2790 JSR $1D4A
$2793 JMP $1D2D Terminate this primary command.
Prev: $277C Up: Map Next: $2796