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$1D4A: Add to ERIC's lines total and print it
Used by the routines at $1DB7 and $277D.
A Number of lines to add (divided by 10)
$1D4A STA $57 Store the number of lines to add at $57.
$1D4C LDA $7F Pick up the MSB of the lines total from $7F.
$1D4E CMP #$04 Is it 4 or more?
$1D50 BCS $1DA2 Branch if so (the lines total is at least 10240).
$1D52 CMP #$03 Is the MSB of the lines total equal to 3?
$1D54 BNE $1D5C Branch if not (the lines total is less than 7680).
$1D56 LDA $7E Pick up the LSB of the lines total from $7E.
$1D58 CMP #$E8 Is the lines total 10000 or more?
$1D5A BCS $1DA2 Branch if so.
$1D5C LDA $7E Increase the lines total at $7E by the value stored at $57.
$1D5F ADC $57
$1D61 BCC $1D65
$1D63 INC $7F
$1D65 STA $7E
$1D67 LDA $7F Pick up the MSB of the lines total from $7F.
$1D69 CMP #$03 Compare the MSB of the lines total with 3.
$1D6B BCC $1DAD Branch if it's less than 3 (the lines total is less than 7680).
$1D6D BNE $1D75 Branch if it's 4 or more (the lines total is at least 10240).
$1D6F LDA $7E Pick up the LSB of the lines total from $7E.
$1D71 CMP #$E8 Is the lines total 10000 or more?
$1D73 BCC $1DAD Branch if not.
ERIC now has 10000 or more lines.
$1D75 LDA #$43 Place the address of the command list at $43A2 into MR WACKER's character buffer.
$1D77 STA $8378
$1D7A LDA #$A2
$1D7C STA $8377
$1D7F LDA $837A Set bit 7 of byte $7A of MR WACKER's character buffer, triggering a command list restart at the next available opportunity.
$1D82 ORA #$80
$1D84 STA $837A
$1D87 LDA $60 Pick up the current character number from $60.
$1D89 CMP #$0B Is it $0B (MR WACKER)?
$1D8B BNE $1D9B Branch if not.
$1D8D LDA #$43 Place the address of the command list at $43A2 into the copy of MR WACKER's character buffer in page 0.
$1D8F STA $3E
$1D91 LDA #$A2
$1D93 STA $3D
$1D95 LDA $3F Set bit 7 of the flags byte at $3F in the copy of MR WACKER's character buffer in page 0, triggering a command list restart at the next available opportunity.
$1D97 ORA #$80
$1D99 STA $3F
$1D9B LDA #$FF Set the MSB of the lesson clock at $40 to $FF, giving MR WACKER time to find ERIC before the bell rings.
$1D9D STA $40
$1D9F JMP $1DAD Jump forward.
$1DA2 LDA $7E Increase the lines total at $7E by the value stored at $57.
$1DA5 ADC $57
$1DA9 INC $7F
$1DAD LDA #$7E Store the LSB of the address of the lines total at $4E.
$1DB1 LDA #$01 A=1, indicating the lines total.
$1DB3 JMP $2620 Print the new lines total.
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