![]() |
Routines |
Prev: $2573 | Up: Map | Next: $267A |
$2620 | STA $E6 | Store the number identifier at $E6. | ||||||||
$2622 | LDA #$00 | Set the MSB of the address of the value to print. | ||||||||
$2624 | STA $4F | |||||||||
$2626 | TAY | Copy the value to print to $A3. | ||||||||
$2627 | LDA ($4E),Y | |||||||||
$2629 | STA $A3 | |||||||||
$262B | INY | |||||||||
$262C | LDA ($4E),Y | |||||||||
$262E | STA $A4 | |||||||||
$2630 | JSR $217E | Generate the character codes of the digits of this value at $8A-$8E. | ||||||||
$2633 | LDA #$03 | Store the width (in character cells) of the area in which the number will be printed at $9D. | ||||||||
$2635 | STA $9D | |||||||||
$2637 | LDA #$8A | Store the address of the digit character codes ($8A) at $D6. | ||||||||
$2639 | STA $D6 | |||||||||
$263B | LDA #$00 | |||||||||
$263D | STA $D7 | |||||||||
$263F | JSR $2005 | Write the digits of the value into the text graphic buffer. | ||||||||
$2642 | LDA $E6 | Pick up the number identifier from $E6. | ||||||||
$2644 | BNE $2651 | Branch unless it's the score. | ||||||||
$2646 | LDA #$FB | Store the screen bitmap address for the score ($FB40) at $50. | ||||||||
$2648 | STA $51 | |||||||||
$264A | LDA #$40 | |||||||||
$264C | STA $50 | |||||||||
$264E | JMP $2668 | Jump forward. | ||||||||
$2651 | CMP #$01 | Are we printing the lines total? | ||||||||
$2653 | BNE $2660 | Branch if not. | ||||||||
$2655 | LDA #$FC | Store the screen bitmap address for the lines total ($FC80) at $50. | ||||||||
$2657 | STA $51 | |||||||||
$2659 | LDA #$80 | |||||||||
$265B | STA $50 | |||||||||
$265D | JMP $2668 | Jump forward. | ||||||||
$2660 | LDA #$FD | Store the screen bitmap address for the hi-score ($FDC0) at $50. | ||||||||
$2662 | STA $51 | |||||||||
$2664 | LDA #$C0 | |||||||||
$2666 | STA $50 | |||||||||
$2668 | LDY #$17 | Y will count the bytes to copy from the text graphic buffer. | ||||||||
$266A | LDA #$45 | Store the address of the first byte to copy from the text graphic buffer ($45E8) at $4E. | ||||||||
$266C | STA $4F | |||||||||
$266E | LDA #$E8 | |||||||||
$2670 | STA $4E | |||||||||
$2672 | LDA ($4E),Y | Copy 24 bytes (3 character cells) from the text graphic buffer to the screen. | ||||||||
$2674 | STA ($50),Y | |||||||||
$2676 | DEY | |||||||||
$2677 | BPL $2672 | |||||||||
$2679 | RTS |
Prev: $2573 | Up: Map | Next: $267A |