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$267A: Make ANGELFACE throw a punch (1)
This corresponds to $6F80 in the ZX Spectrum version.
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into ANGELFACE's buffer by the routine at $270D.
$267A LDA #$26 Replace the address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine in ANGERLFACE's buffer with that of $2696.
$267C STA $B1
$267E LDA #$96
$2680 STA $B0
$2682 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ANGELFACE's current animatory state and location.
$2685 LDA $26 Copy ANGELFACE's pre-punch animatory state from $26 to $B3.
$2687 STA $B3
$2689 AND #$80 Set ANGELFACE's animatory state to $2A/$AA: hitting phase 1.
$268B CLC
$268C ADC #$2A
$268E STA $26
$2690 JSR $322E Update the SRB for ANGELFACE's new animatory state.
$2693 JMP $26EE Return.
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