Prev: $2696 Up: Map Next: $26EF
$26E0: Make ANGELFACE finish punching or BOY WONDER finish firing his catapult
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into ANGELFACE's buffer by the routine at $2696 and into BOY WONDER's buffer by the routine at $2B9F.
$26E0 JSR $322E Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location.
$26E3 LDA $B3 Restore the character's pre-action animatory state from $B3.
$26E5 STA $26
$26E7 LDA #$00 Remove the address of this routine from the character's buffer, effectively terminating the subcommand.
$26E9 STA $B1
$26EB JSR $322E Update the SRB for the character's new animatory state.
This entry point is used by the routines at $267A and $2696.
Prev: $2696 Up: Map Next: $26EF