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$26EF: Check whether ANGELFACE is touching ERIC
The address of this continual subcommand routine is placed into MR ROCKITT's buffer by command list $DE.
$26EF LDA $877A Set bit 1 of byte $7A of ANGELFACE's character buffer: he is running continuously.
$26F2 ORA #$02
$26F4 STA $877A
$26F7 LDA $8761 Pick up ANGELFACE's x-coordinate.
$26FA CMP $8C61 Does it match ERIC's x-coordinate?
$26FD BNE $270C Return if not.
$26FF LDA $8762 Pick up ANGELFACE's y-coordinate.
$2702 CMP $8C62 Does it match ERIC's y-coordinate?
$2705 BNE $270C Return if not.
$2707 LDA #$0C Event $0C: ERIC has mumps.
$2709 JSR $31B6 Raise the signal for this event.
$270C RTS
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