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$4400: Signal flags
Used by the routines at $2AF9, $2B0D, $31B6, $31C4, $31D2 and $392D.
$4400 .BYTE $00 Event $00: end of lesson/playtime (always 0).
$4401 .BYTE $00 Event $01: ERIC should be in class or the dinner hall now. This signal is raised by the routines at $0A58, $0B3B and $0E35, and checked by the routines at $0B3B and $149F.
$4402 .BYTE $00 Event $02: ERIC's lesson has started. This signal is raised by the routine at $0A58, and checked by the routine at $149F.
$4403 .BYTE $00 Event $03: EINSTEIN is speaking. This signal is raised and checked by the routine at $1EE3, and lowered and checked by the routine at $1F4D.
$4404 .BYTE $00 Event $04 (unused).
$4405 .BYTE $00 Event $05 (unused).
$4406 .BYTE $00 Event $06 (unused).
$4407 .BYTE $00 Event $07 (unused).
$4408 .BYTE $00 Event $08: teacher has arrived at the Map Room. This signal is raised by command list $80, and checked by command lists $88, $8C, $8E and $90.
$4409 .BYTE $00 Event $09: teacher has arrived at the Reading Room. This signal is raised by command list $82, and checked by command lists $92, $94, $96 and $98.
$440A .BYTE $00 Event $0A: teacher has arrived at the Exam Room. This signal is raised by command list $84, and checked by command lists $9A, $9C, $9E and $A0.
$440B .BYTE $00 Event $0B: teacher has arrived at the White Room. This signal is raised by command list $86, and checked by command lists $A2, $A4, $A6 and $A8.
$440C .BYTE $00 Event $0C: ERIC has mumps. This signal is raised by the routine at $26EF, and checked by command list $DE.
$440D .BYTE $00 Event $0D (unused).
$440E .BYTE $00 Event $0E (unused).
$440F .BYTE $00 Event $0F (unused).
$4410 .BYTE $00 Event $10: little boy no. 1 is ready to stampede. This signal is raised and lowered by command list $CC, and checked by command list $CE.
$4411 .BYTE $00 Event $11: little boy no. 1 is ready to stampede again. This signal is raised and lowered by command list $CC, and checked by command list $CE.
$4412 .BYTE $00 Event $12 (unused).
$4413 .BYTE $00 Event $13 (unused).
$4414 .BYTE $00 Event $14 (unused).
$4415 .BYTE $00 Event $15 (unused).
$4416 .BYTE $00 Event $16 (unused).
$4417 .BYTE $00 Event $17 (unused).
$4418 .BYTE $00 Event $18 (unused).
$4419 .BYTE $00 Event $19 (unused).
$441A .BYTE $00 Event $1A: EINSTEIN or BOY WONDER is ready. This signal is raised by command lists $D4 and $D8, and checked by command lists $D0 and $E0.
$441B .BYTE $00 Event $1B: MR WACKER is ready. This signal is raised by command lists $D6 and $DA, and checked by command lists $D0 and $E0.
$441C .BYTE $00 Event $1C: ERIC has been told about EINSTEIN, BOY WONDER or ANGELFACE. This signal is raised by command lists $D0, $D2 and $E0, and checked by command lists $D4, $D8 and $DA.
$441D .BYTE $00 Event $1D: EINSTEIN has told MR WACKER what ERIC's up to. This signal is raised by command list $D4, and checked by command list $D6.
$441E .BYTE $00 Event $1E (unused).
$441F .BYTE $00 Event $1F (unused).
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