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$42CF: Command list $CE: Stampede - follower
This corresponds to $FDCF in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by little boy no. 2, little boy no. 3, little boy no. 4, little boy no. 5, little boy no. 6, little boy no. 7, little boy no. 8, little boy no. 9, little boy no. 10 and little boy no. 11 in lessons $FC and $FD.
$42CF .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$42D1 .BYTE $10 ...the stampede leader is ready.
$42D2 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in the little boy's buffer, making him...
$42D4 .WORD $2873 ...trip people up.
$42D6 .WORD $2885 Find and follow little boy no. 1 (the stampede leader).
$42D8 .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$42DA .BYTE $11 ...the stampede leader is ready again.
$42DB .WORD $2865 Put the next address in the little boy's buffer, making him...
$42DD .WORD $2873 ...trip people up.
$42DF .WORD $2885 Find and follow little boy no. 1 (the stampede leader).
$42E1 .WORD $0EB4 Restart the command list.
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