Prev: $2873 Up: Map Next: $28AB
$2885: Make a little boy find and follow little boy no. 1
This corresponds to $6A82 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by command list $CE.
$2885 LDA $3F Set bit 1 of the flags byte at $3F: this character is running continuously.
$2887 ORA #$02
$2889 STA $3F
$288B LDA $787C Pick up the address of the continual subcommand routine from bytes $7B and $7C of little boy no. 1's character buffer, and return unless it is $2873.
$288E CMP #$28
$2890 BNE $28AA
$2892 LDA $787B
$2895 CMP #$73
$2897 BNE $28AA
$2899 LDA #$28 Place the address of the continual subcommand routine at $2873 into this little boy's buffer at $39.
$289B STA $3A
$289D LDA #$73
$289F STA $39
$28A1 LDX $7865 Pick up little boy no. 1's destination coordinates from bytes $65 and $66 of his character buffer.
$28A4 LDY $7866
$28A7 JMP $1083 Make them this little boy's destination coordinates and set him on his way there.
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