Prev: $42A6 Up: Map Next: $42CF
$42AD: Command list $CC: Stampede - leader
This corresponds to $FDB3 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by little boy no. 1 in lessons $FC and $FD.
$42AD .WORD $27AB Walk up and down...
$42AF .BYTE $0F,$00 ...15 times.
$42B1 .WORD $2AF9 Signal that...
$42B3 .BYTE $10 ...the stampede leader is ready.
$42B4 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in the little boy's buffer, making him...
$42B6 .WORD $2873 ...trip people up.
$42B8 .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$42BA .WORD $2B0D Unsignal that...
$42BC .BYTE $10 ...the stampede leader is ready.
$42BD .WORD $27AB Walk up and down...
$42BF .BYTE $0F,$00 ...15 times.
$42C1 .WORD $2AF9 Signal that...
$42C3 .BYTE $11 ...the stampede leader is ready again.
$42C4 .WORD $2865 Put the next address in the little boy's buffer, making him...
$42C6 .WORD $2797 ...trip people up.
$42C8 .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$42CA .WORD $2B0D Unsignal that...
$42CC .BYTE $11 ...the stampede leader is ready again.
$42CD .WORD $0EB4 Restart the command list.
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