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$438A: Command list $E0: Tell ERIC about EINSTEIN
This corresponds to $FAE6 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by little boy no. 10 in lesson $F4.
$438A .WORD $12B5 Go to...
$438C .BYTE $3D,$11 ...the right end of the dinner hall.
$438E .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$4390 .BYTE $1A ...EINSTEIN is ready.
$4391 .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$4393 .BYTE $1B ...MR WACKER is ready.
$4394 .WORD $2A99 Find ERIC.
$4396 .WORD $28BC Tell ERIC that...
$4398 .WORD $5E35 ...EINSTEIN is going to grass on him.
$439A .WORD $2AF9 Signal that...
$439C .BYTE $1C ...ERIC has been told about EINSTEIN.
$439D .WORD $105B Go to a random location.
$439F .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$43A1 .BYTE $00 ...the bell rings.
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