Prev: $436E Up: Map Next: $438A
$4376: Command list $DE: Mumps duty
This corresponds to $FADB in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by MR ROCKITT in lesson $F3.
$4376 .WORD $12B5 Go to...
$4378 .BYTE $09,$0A ...the staff room
$437A .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$437C .BYTE $1C ...ERIC has been told about ANGELFACE.
$437D .WORD $2865 Put the next address in the teacher's buffer, making him...
$437F .WORD $26EF ...check whether ANGELFACE is touching ERIC.
$4381 .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$4383 .BYTE $0C ...ERIC has mumps.
$4384 .WORD $2A99 Find ERIC.
$4386 .WORD $2757 Tell ERIC to go home because...
$4388 .WORD $43AA ...he's got mumps.
Prev: $436E Up: Map Next: $438A