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$0E35: Make a teacher perform dinner duty
This corresponds to $7C6E in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by command list $B8.
$0E35 LDA #$01 Event $01: ERIC should be in the dinner hall now.
$0E37 JSR $31B6 Raise the signal for this event.
$0E3A LDA #$3E Initialise the teacher's walkabout x-coordinate at $AC to 62 (at the far right end of the dinner hall).
$0E3E JSR $0D91 Is ERIC in the dinner hall?
$0E41 BEQ $0E46 Branch if so.
$0E43 JMP $0B84 Otherwise make the teacher go and find ERIC.
$0E46 LDA $AC Flip the teacher's walkabout x-coordinate at $AC between 62 and 49 (the middle of the dinner hall).
$0E48 EOR #$0F
$0E4C LDA #$00 Initialise the counter at $AD to 0, giving the teacher more than enough time to reach his destination.
$0E50 JSR $1F77 Place the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at $136F into the teacher's buffer and jump to it. This makes the teacher walk to either the middle or the far right end of the dinner hall.
$0E53 .WORD $136F
$0E55 JMP $0E3E Jump back to check where ERIC is.
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