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Routines |
Prev: $27D1 | Up: Map | Next: $284F |
$27D2 | LDA $26 | Pick up ERIC's or ANGELFACE's animatory state from $26 and store it at $0A. | ||||||||||||||
$27D4 | STA $0A | |||||||||||||||
$27D6 | STX $0B | Store the target coordinates at $0B and $0C. | ||||||||||||||
$27D8 | STY $0C | |||||||||||||||
$27DA | JSR $33BF | Restore ERIC's or ANGELFACE's buffer from page 0. | ||||||||||||||
$27DD | LDA $60 | Pick up the current character number from $60. | ||||||||||||||
$27DF | PHA | Save it temporarily. | ||||||||||||||
$27E0 | LDA #$14 | Set the current character number at $60 to $14 (ERIC). | ||||||||||||||
$27E2 | STA $60 | |||||||||||||||
$27E4 | JSR $3279 | Copy ERIC's character buffer to page 0. | ||||||||||||||
$27E7 | LDA $FB | Pick up ERIC's y-coordinate from $FB. | ||||||||||||||
$27E9 | CMP $0C | Does it match the target y-coordinate? | ||||||||||||||
$27EB | BNE $2800 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$27ED | LDA $FC | Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from $FC. | ||||||||||||||
$27EF | CMP $0B | Does it match the target x-coordinate? | ||||||||||||||
$27F1 | BNE $2800 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$27F3 | LDA $26 | Pick up ERIC's animatory state from $26. | ||||||||||||||
$27F5 | EOR $0A | Is ERIC facing the puncher? | ||||||||||||||
$27F7 | ASL A | |||||||||||||||
$27F8 | BCC $2800 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$27FA | LDA $60 | Pick up ERIC's character number from $60. | ||||||||||||||
$27FC | SEC | Set the carry flag: there is someone (ERIC) at the target coordinates. | ||||||||||||||
$27FD | JMP $283E | Jump forward. | ||||||||||||||
$2800 | LDA #$0F | Set the current character number at $60 to $0F (ANGELFACE). | ||||||||||||||
$2802 | STA $60 | |||||||||||||||
Here we enter a loop to check whether ANGELFACE, BOY WONDER, EINSTEIN or any of the little boys are at the target location.
$2804 | JSR $3279 | Copy the current character's buffer to page 0. | ||||||||||||||
$2807 | LDA $FB | Pick up the character's y-coordinate from $FB. | ||||||||||||||
$2809 | CMP $0C | Does it match the target y-coordinate? | ||||||||||||||
$280B | BNE $2824 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$280D | LDA $FC | Pick up the character's x-coordinate from $FC. | ||||||||||||||
$280F | CMP $0B | Does it match the target x-coordinate? | ||||||||||||||
$2811 | BNE $2824 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$2813 | LDA $B1 | Is the character currently controlled by an uninterruptible subcommand routine? | ||||||||||||||
$2815 | BNE $2824 | Branch if so. | ||||||||||||||
$2817 | LDA $26 | Pick up the character's animatory state from $26. | ||||||||||||||
$2819 | EOR $0A | Is the character facing the puncher? | ||||||||||||||
$281B | ASL A | |||||||||||||||
$281C | BCC $2824 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$281E | LDA $60 | Pick up the current character's number from $60. | ||||||||||||||
$2820 | SEC | Set the carry flag: there is someone at the target coordinates. | ||||||||||||||
$2821 | JMP $283E | Jump forward. | ||||||||||||||
$2824 | LDA $60 | Pick up the current character number from $60. | ||||||||||||||
$2826 | CMP #$11 | Have we just checked character number $11 (EINSTEIN)? | ||||||||||||||
$2828 | BNE $2831 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$282A | LDA #$00 | Otherwise start checking the little boys. | ||||||||||||||
$282C | STA $60 | Update the current character number at $60. | ||||||||||||||
$282E | JMP $2804 | Jump back to the start of the loop. | ||||||||||||||
$2831 | CMP #$0A | Is the current character number $0A (little boy no. 11)? | ||||||||||||||
$2833 | BNE $2839 | Branch if not. | ||||||||||||||
$2835 | CLC | Clear the carry flag: there is no one at the target coordinates. | ||||||||||||||
$2836 | JMP $283E | Jump forward. | ||||||||||||||
$2839 | INC $60 | Increment the current character number at $60. | ||||||||||||||
$283B | JMP $2804 | Jump back to the start of the loop. | ||||||||||||||
$283E | STA $57 | Store the character number of the potential victim at $57. | ||||||||||||||
$2840 | ROL A | Rotate the carry flag into bit 0 of A and store it at $56 temporarily. | ||||||||||||||
$2841 | STA $56 | |||||||||||||||
$2843 | PLA | Restore the current character number to A. | ||||||||||||||
$2844 | STA $60 | Update the current character number at $60. | ||||||||||||||
$2846 | JSR $3279 | Copy the current character's buffer into page 0. | ||||||||||||||
$2849 | LDA $56 | Restore the carry flag from bit 0 at $56. | ||||||||||||||
$284B | LSR A | |||||||||||||||
$284C | LDA $57 | Pick up the character number of the potential victim. | ||||||||||||||
$284E | RTS |
Prev: $27D1 | Up: Map | Next: $284F |